Divide and rule
Sounds 21/2/81
Live review by Chris Burkham
Divide and rule
New Order
"Une femme est une femme, mais un Caporal est une cigarette?" -
R. Kipling.
Which is which? What is what? The doubt of the (un)expected prevails.
There seemed to be a certain hype about the whole situation, the
fact(ory) that New Order had deliberately left London out until last on
their handful of live dates - a punishment for living in the terminally
fashionable metropolis? But then again, with venues like Heaven who
cares? Heaven is. Heaven with it's comfortable bars, it's videos, it's
gentle and covivial atmosphere - perfect for a live band. My type of
place. Standing in Heaven my former fanaticism for this (that) group
was slowly replaced with a growing cynicism. What type of hype is this?
My type of hype - our type of hype, didn't we want/expect this?
A lonely band, faltering onwards, striving to find that right rhythm.
New Order were not obvious, but obsessive. The first number was an
aching and swirling song, 'In A Lonely Place', about memory, about
loss, about loneliness. Off the closer edge into new areas. An
unfamiliar, tearful sensation.
The comparisons are there, don't draw them - difficult.
New Order are Albrecht, Hook, Morris and his girlfriend Gillian, they
swap and switch instruments, they experiment and deviate. New Order are
growing, they are almost foetal at the moment. Playing through their
growing pains I feel they are not ready for this - the(ir) growing
pains are too strong. Shy and desperate they should be reviewed by the
fans - not/never the post-death sycophants. In their incubator stage
the sound was not quite right (not their sound, but the sound
that the PA emitted), there were frequent squeals of feedback and
Hook's bass lead seemed to be faulty. At one point Albrecht lay down
(in frustration?) as Hook fiddled with his bass amp to get the right
sound. Their sound is the right sound, will be the right sound.
New Order are not part of the tired old rock system - they are young,
don't predetermine their niche.
Hook and Albrecht share the vocals, Albrecht is dark(er), Hook is
harsh(er). They are both shy, their voices reflect their careful
approach to the problems facing them. The problems that face all of us
- of fear, of violence, of indirection, of inhibition, of failure...
of whatever it is rooted deep down inside you. Above all though, they
still have love. Instinctive and distinctive love.
Tact(ful/less). The New Order will be great/big/fabulous, they are
heading towards excitement in this new age.
As I left Heaven someone told me Bill Haley had died. The old order.
Throw away the past and follow your spirit.
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