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New Order Net |
The broadcast is titled 'Le Live De Le Semaine'. or "Live This Week"...
There's an announce who introduces the tracks (in French) while "I Told You So" plays in the background.
The band are depicted coming up on stage and strapping their instruments on.
BS: "Bonjour, Je Ne P... New Order". I'm told while he meant to say, "We are New Order", he humorously ended up stating "I am New Order".
(at end)
BS: "Merci Beaucoup".
BS: "Hey, this is Krafty."
A bit of actual tuning (playing scales) after this one finishes up.
BS: "Yo. Thank you, thank you."
BS: "We would like to dedicate this to em, our good old friend Ian Curtis who died, erm, 25 years ago, in eh this May, coming this May. We would like to ddedicate this song to him because he helped write it. Thank you."
Bernard mistakenly skips "Is my timing that flawed" line, so he has to lamely sing the "Respect runs so dry" line twice.
BS: "Thank you. What a fantastic audience, and it's been great. It's gonna be "si vous plez" back [couple words] France. Merci beaucoup. Au revoir. See you tomorrow, see you next week, see you next year."
Transcription from THO recording, which was done 5 feet away from the stage facing Hooky, but unfortunately suffers the effects of "brickwalling" (input preamp gain overload), which can for the most part be treated with crackle removal and from buzzing from the LCD screen, which luckily was a problem only at the very start.
However, in late 2009, a second version surfaced, which will be used to fill in on what the THO version misses.
NOOL gets a namecheck in the conversation between THO and GaoBest that fills up the seven minutes before the band go on. Some choice quotes:
"OG's, I don't believe I said OGs."
Regarding whether THO would get sleep before the trip to Coachella, "not much time to sleep". Indeed, this was the case, didn't feel like sleeping.
"This place is filling up pretty good". We had talked about the venue not selling out, but it turns out it was nearly full by the time the band started to play.
There's mention of Badly Drawn Boy (Damon Gough) having once been a NO roadie. We also talked about the new "No" logo, which I argued was kind of a continuation of the orange line used in Republic, erm Get Ready's thematic artwork.
BS: "Hello. I'm back."
BS: "Hi, we're New Order, of course. It's wonderful to be back in San Francisco. I'm ashamed...we've forgot to wear some flowers in our hair."
BS: "Okay, emm...thanks to the Chemical Brothers for playing with us on this gig. We're all...are really big fans of theirs, and em, I thought they did a great set. I'll say that more sincerly...I thought they were fucking great."
BS: "Now, it's been 25 years since the singer of our first group Joy Division died, Ian Curtis. We'd like to remember him tonight by starting with a song that features Hooky's wonderful bass lines called 'She's Lost Control'.
(at end)
BS: "Thank you! Cheers, thanks a lot. Whoo!"
BS: "Dark song, but we're going to brighten things up a little now."
PH: 'This one's for your boys in Iraq, God bless 'em."
BS: "It's called 'Love Vigilantes'"
(at end)
BS: "Oh, thank you!"
[ 'She's Lost Control' and 'Love Vigilantes' were not recorded on the THO version due to the recorder being bumped, which either caused it to pause or not properly save. I remember Barney saying "I am New Order" (in reference to his badly mangled French intro at CANAL+)...which he amended to "We are New Order". Hooky dedicated Love Vigilantes to "your boys in Iraq". ]
BS: "Okay, this is Regret."
[ The first minute on the THO version wasn't recorded, again due to the technical problems with the recorder. ]
BS: "Woooh! Thank you. Jerry, can I have a bit less DBs here?"
Hooky riffs for a second or so.
BS: "Okay, it's a long time since we've played here, but it really is genuinely good to be back. We're gonna play a track off the, er, new album, which is called "No" apparently. And, eh, it's called _Hey___Now___What___You___Doing_."
During the "writing songs on your home computer" lyric, Bernard makes hand-striking-keyboard gestures.
BS: "Thank you! Thanks for Phil on that one, that was his riff. Oh God, is it hot! I tell you what, it's hotter than England here. I hope it's not going to be this hot at Coachella because if it is, I won't...I won't be able to to take it and I have to storm offstage like Morrissey does."
The taper guffaws loudly at this comment.
PH: "That big poof".
BS: "Right, this is _Krafty_". The band then proceed to play it.
BS: "Wooh! A bit less kick drum, Dave, please. We're only waiting for number one, two, three, or four, it's definitely one of them. Well, for us, that's quite a fun track, is it, it's quite optimistic."
Someone cries for "Temptation".
PH: "This one's for the young boy that very kindly gave me the Factory CD last night, I really enjoyed it, so thank you."
(This is in reference to Hooky's DJ stint at the Popscene club the previous night)
PH: "Okay, Phil."
This version has the synth drone intro restored, unlike the 2002 version, which I remember as not having it. A great improvement, in my opinion.
BS: "Thank you. Jerry, a bit less of my voice please, and a tad more of my guitar. Whooh! I'm knackered now, I tell ya. I'm not as young as I used to be. Neither is anyone, actually."
Phil drops in a house piano bit.
BS: "Okay, we're gonna hop things up now for you disco bunnies in the audience and play some dance tracks. Did I say 'tracks'? What I meant to say was 'track'. It's called _True___Faith_.
Also another really good acid squiggle effect during the bridge. Apparently Roger Lyons (at the direction from the band, of course) had made several improvements to the songs over the 2002 versions.
Debut version. Everybody was shocked to hear this one!
BS: "A bit more Hooky, Jerry. So we took you up with that one. So now, we're gonna take you _down_. Andy Liddle, please make sure we can see the guitar on this one because it's very tricky. It involves chords with suspenders in them. Okay, this is "Run Wild".
Excellent bass work from Hook.
lyric: "Good times, bad times, around the corner."
BS: "That's the first time we ever played that live, so, er, if it was...if it was shit, if it...ask for your money back at the desk and I'll personally guarantee it."
Needless to say, it was not shit. Much better than when they had dug up Guilty Partner during their end-of-1998 UK gigs.
Here is where THO yells out for "We All Stand", in homage to ATR.
PH: "All right, love, all right." [turns out he was reacting to Viking Gary down front]
BS: "Okay, we're gonna groove things up a little bit..."
PH: (simultaneously) "You're gonna have a fucking heart attack!" Ouch.
BS: (continuing) "...now. That was a beautiful song, one of my favorite songs. Well, that's not saying anything really, is it? Wha...what does that mean, 'one of your favorite songs'?"
BS: "here's another one of my favorite songs. It's off the new album. It's called Jetstream.
Which the band play, probably the weakest song of the set.
BS: "Thank you! Has anyone got a glass of water please instead of this...wine. You can all serve this wine later, right, yeah. Over there please, Phil [directing him to place the water on top of his amp rather than giving it to him]. This is our roadie Phil. Well, he's Peter's roadie. Say hello to the audience, Phil."
At this point, a female individual that had apparently elbowed her way to the front started screaming maniacally, much to the consternation of those around her.
BS: (continuing) "All the way from England, very fantastic. Okay, we're gonna bore the ass out of you with another track off the new album. And this is the title track off the new album, and it's...it's actually is pretty good, you know. It's all right. It's called _Waiting___For___The___Sirens'___Call_.
Which in my opinion, is the best of the new songs played tonight.
BS: "Thank you. Whoa. So, we're trying to concentrate on the playing tonight. A little...a little less jumping, but we're getting to playing right. It was always our vice. it was either jumping around and the playing was shit, or the playing's good. Which you want?"
More shouts for Temptation, etc.
BS: "I suppose it'll have to be the bleeding jumping around, won't it. This is Bizarre Love Triangle, and it's about a relationship between Peter and Stephen and Ian Curtis that happened a long long time ago and they all prefer to forget about it. We don't talk about it anymore."
The band take Bernard by surprise by triggering the song early (BS: "whoa, wot's that?"), in an attempt to get him to shut up.
Bernard's dancing is truly remarkable, as at one point he actually starts to roll on the floor, which is why you can hear the taper singing "Like A Virgin". Near the end, Hooky really starts going wild with his bass, meriting the cries of "How low can you go?" and "Lower!" from the same loudmouthed taper.
BS: "Ohh, merci beaucoup. thank you. [clears throat] Okay, so I got a bit carried away there. This is _Love___Will___Tear___Us___Apart_. [waits a few seconds] Hooky starts this one, don't _you_ Hooky.
PH: "Yes, and I like to take my time, in bed as well as on stage. Ha ha ha ha."
Good one!
[THO version: Brief internal cut on recording when synths come in.]
Bernard messes up the lyrics, reciting the same line twice.
During the song Hooky yells out, "Go get 'em, boys!" in reference to a crowd surfer, and when the gel-spiked youth was about to be grabbed by security, "Don't let them take you, boy!". Hooky also yells out, "here we go!" at the usual place in the song and urges the band "C'mon, San Francisco"..."c'mon...c'mon!!!" and "at full speed!" near the end.
BS: "Cheers, thanks a lot. It's a good song, innit? I'm getting too old for this game."
Fans cry for Temptation again. There's a fairly long pause here between songs.
BS: (quoting from 'Working Overtime') "House music all night long. Where did it all go wrong?" This is _Temptation_.
According to David Sultan of WiM, Bernard pulls the ligament of his foot dancing during this song. This affects his mobility for the rest of the US gigs (unfortunately or fortunately as he later remarked during the Coachella appearance)
BS: "Cheers, thank you. What's next? If I could reach, I'd give you all a sip of my wine, but I don't think it'd last too long.
He then sings the John Phillips tune. "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. If you're going, c'mon lads, [Hooky joins him] to San Francisco da na na, [finishing] some happy people there."
The new recording fades out after 'Cheers, thank you.'...and doesn't capture the acapella bit or the intro to 'Crystal'.
BS: "Okay, we're gonna round up this corral of songs, we're gonna ride this rodeo. And this is, [softly] uh, what was it, Crystal ending? Crystal, I think."
A very good version thereof.
BS: "Thank you, San Francisco! We did our best, we hope it's good enough. Goodbye, thank you!"
(fade out/in on new version)
The band come back on to encore with _Blue___Monday_. They also had planned on playing Atmosphere, but could not due to the strict time curfew of the venue.
[ This song wasn't recorded on the THO version, again, due to recorder getting paused by mistake.]
This version features the Kylie samples at the end and had Hooky bass riffs and beating the symdrums all the way to the end, breathing more life than wont into this hoary chestnut.
Abbreviated set (about an hour) due to the scheduling.
Bernard was wearing a shirt with "Muhammad Ali" on the back, which was strange. Hooky was wearing a black Adidas pullover, and Stephen has a shirt with "Bant" (umlaut over the a) on it.
New Order opened with _Atmosphere_, which was supposed to be the first Oakland encore track but wasn't played due to venue time limits.
BS: "Hello, everyone! We're New Order, all the way from England. I'm afraid I've hurt my foot, got bit by a shark surfing in LA. But we'll do our best, and eh, we're gonna start with a Joy Division song, it's called..."
And indeed, _Love___Will___Tear___Us___Apart_ was dedicated to David Sultan of WiM, with a joking admonition to "fook off" right afterwards of course.
gregv reports:
PH: "I've got these fucking phtographers up in my tits. Fuck off, the lot of you." He was looking and pointing at specific photographers in the pit when he said it. Hilarious.
Part of the mood may have come from the fact that they had to follow on the heels of Gang of Four, who managed to pull out one of the most amazingly true performances of their career- but then, this isn't a Gang of Four board!
Back to the boys.
Atmosphere. They opened the freaking set with it. Love Will Tear Us Apart. Hooky dedicated it to Steve, followed by "you bastard." [this isn't correct, actually, see above]
Bernard had sprained/injured his foot and mentioned it a couple of times during the show, i.e., he announced that they were going to do a dance song and asked that we take care of the dancing because he could not. Enter: "Bizarre Love Triangle."
The sound engineer messed up the bass in the mix for the first couple songs but got it straightened out. Stuff from "Siren" included "Waiting for the Siren's Call," "Hey Now What You Doing," "Krafty," and "Jetstream" (with the Scissor Sister vocal on tape).
Only "Crystal" showed up from Get Ready, but it was massively well performed and well received. Maybe the best song of the night.
"Blue Monday" got the attention of just about everyone at Coachella when they wrapped the set with it, but then, it's "Blue Monday" and they're New Order so no doubt.
Feeling totally fortunate to have seen this great band tonight.
Made from MP3 files of what I believe is the DPA recording of the gig. Also have another version from AK in lossless form, though it seems to be monaural.
This was the first time that Temptation hadn't been played since the '93 Dublin Point Depot performance. Before that you'd have to go to 1987, to both the Finsbury Park London and first New York Pier 84 gigs (during the prior Australian tour, they had alternated nights with and without this tune.
BS: "Hello, everyone. We are New Order, all the way from England."
(missing from DPA version)
BS: "I'm afraid we're gonna be a little bit static again. I hurt my foot. I got bit by a shark when I was surfing in LA. But we'll do our best."
UK punter #1: "C'mon, Barney lad." (DPA)
BS: "And, eh, We're gonna start with a Joy Division song. It's called Atmosphere."
PH: "1, 2, 3, 4".
(at the end)
BS: "Cheers, thanks, where's the bleeding wine?"
BS: "You know that...chime thing, Jerry, that's a bit loud."
PH: "Philip, my radio is crapping out again.
Guitar chord, and arpeggio.
punter: "Sarah!" (AK)
BS: "This is, eh, a song off our new album called Waiting For The Sirens' Call. And the album is as well. Oh, look, a helicopter!" (to laughs)
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Jerry, can I have a bit more fill please?"
punter chick: "Woooh...Confusion!" (AK) Unlikely.
BS: "Okay. We're gonna...eh, we're going to play Regret now."
(at end)
BS: "Wooh! Cheers, thank you."
PH: "How do I get rid of these fucking photographers? They're getting on me tits. C'mon, fuck off the lot of ya."
UK punter #2: "Absolutely!" (DPA)
PH: (mumbling) "Fuck, I didn't say that, baldie..."
UK punter #2: "Barney, fuck them off, fuck them all off" (DPA)
BS: "I like (them) to take photgraphs of me, I don't mind."
UK punter #2: "Manchester, na na na, Manchester..." (DPA)
PH: "Ready, Phil?"
UK punter #2" "na na na..." (DPA)
BS: "'ank you! Cheers, thanks a lot. Is everyone having a good time here? It's a beautiful setting, it really is. (US punter: "Yeah dude") I wish I lived here. It sure beats Manchester."
(all comments from the DPA version)
US punter: "A bit warmer..."
UK punter: "It doesn't beat Liverpool!"
BS: "Has anyone been there? Has anybody been to Manchester?"
UK punter #1: "I live there, lad."
BS: "Was that a yes or was that a no?"
UK punter #2: "Manchester...wank wank wank!"
BS: "And did you like it? [shouts of both 'Yes' and 'No'...mixed with no? That's the right answer. We've got a good football team, though."
BS: "This is Hey Now What You Doing, off the new album."
punter: "Fuck off!" (DPA)
BS: "Fantastic(?), thank you!"
BS: "Okay, this is another one off our new album, another one! All of this starts...get over it, it's called Krafty."
Synth washes at the point where we usually hear Hooky's bass, which appears to have conked out again.
Encoding glitch (or watermark) at 3:53. (DPA)
BS: "Cheers, thank you." Hooky strums a bit of bass.
Third new one in a row. The intro (to 0:31) sounds like it was taken from a different recording!
BS: "Another new track off our album! Another one! This is Jetstream."
(present on AK version, but DPA version is cut, and another version was used to patch it)
BS: "Thank you."
Girl shouts for "Confusion" again (AK version).
BS: "Now we're gonna play a dance tune. Unfortunately, I cannot dance at all because I've torn a ligament in my foot, so you'll have to do the dancing for us. (scream, AK) Peter here is a bad hand at ballet (UK punter: "c'mon Hooky lad", DPA) Phil on here has been personally trained by Michael Jackson, so I'm hoping they're gonna cover for me tonight. This is Bizarre Love Triangle."
Audience singalong in effect.
BS: "Thank you."
BS: "All right, you don't have to dance to this one, though I suppose you could if you wanted to."
PH: "This one's for you David, fuck you."
The starting bass is a bit odd, almost like the Cure's Boys Don't Cry. Another glitch at 0:32.
PH: (at 2:00) "C'mon, Steve!" (at 3:07) "Here we go!".
BS: "Cheers, thank you, thank you!"
punter: "Thank you, God."
BS: "Okay, this is Crystal."
PH: "It's nice isn't it, atmosphereic." Sound of guitar lead getting unplugged.
Lots of cheers after this one.
BS: "Okay, we can only play for an hour, unfortunately or fortunately depending on which way you're looking at it. And yy foot is hurting man. Eh..em....We're gonna play Blue Monday, I believe."
Features Kylie Minogue's "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" vocals at the start, as well as somewhat interesting instrumentation.
BS: "Thank you. I'm sorry we weren't more animated, but that's life. Thank you very much." Hooky closes out the set with a slow version of the BM bass riff.
On the AK version, the annoying chick that yelled for "Confusion", starts saying, "I'm such a fucking..." at the 5:30 mark. At the end she says, "What, is this show over! ...Nine Inch Nails is next, it'll be right here. All right, Nine Inch Nails..."
PH: "Good night, thank you, God Bless!"
Haha, somebody calls her "bitch" at the very end.
From Drew C's writeup for his bootleg:
From venue to DAD in less than 24 hours, I present to you the world's
greatest band live from the world's crappiest venue, New Order at the
Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, IL. The sound in the hall is terrible but
you'd never know it from this recording - it turned out miles and miles
better than I'd ever have dreamed! I was somewhere between 50-100 feet
from the stage, smack-dab in the center of the hall, so I got a decent
stereo mix from both PA stacks. Of course it would have been less boomy
right in front of a stack, but I couldn't get there. So I settled for
the second-best place, and it turned out really wonderfully good, especially
after some magic EQ work to cut down some of the boominess.
The band were in terrific form last night, full of vim and vigor. Quite talkative too, lots of joking around by Bernard punctuated by the occasional rimshot (!) from Steve. And of course we can't forget that Viking bass god Hooky, as marvelous as ever. I tended to tracksplit on the song intros by Barney, so you'll find most of the banter at the ends of the songs.
Some notables:
Steve kicked off Hey Now What You Doing too fast, causing Barney to remark afterwards that it was the "punk version" - and that it must have been because of all the crystal meth and hotel porn Steve was addicted to. Hilarious. Preview it here:
http://www.new-order.net/no/audio/lv/BarneySays/050503-Steves_on_crystal_meth.mp3 Hooky dedicated Transmission to Joe Shanahan, owner of the Metro/Smart Bar/Double Door, because "because he makes Chicago feel like home for me".
After Transmission, Barney says that he's going to get his foot amputated tomorrow, and that Hooky was kind enough to do it with one of his bass strings (Barney had hurt his foot onstage a few days ago and couldn't dance around as much as he wanted to).
There are loads more quips, I'll let you discover them yourselves when you listen ;)
Unfortunately due to equipment mishaps I missed the first 30sec-1min or so of Love Vigilantes, including Barney's intro stating he'd hurt his foot surfing in Los Angeles when it was bitten by a shark, hehe... that's why it fades in rather than a cold start. There's also what sounds like a skip, if that's the right word, 20 seconds into Love Vigilantes - that's the spot where I got bumped while my finger was resting on the mic switch, causing it to switch off and on. I edited out the gap this caused, but unfortunately you can hear it as a skip instead. Oh well.
Also, my setup doesn't have a strong enough attenuator at the preamp feed, so there are a few spots where it's overloading (even though I'd manually adjusted the levels down enough). It's not really enough to warrant mention, but I thought I would anyway. So there you go... Hope you enjoy it as much as I did - it was one of the best gigs I've ever seen!
Faded up on Drew's recording. It's reported (as above) that Barney said he had hurt his foot surfing in LA when it was bitten by a shark. And the aforementioned skip is there.
BS: "Ah, thank you."
BS: "Listen, that little song, it was originally, uh, written about the war in Vietnam. Apart from getting bitten by sharks...it's not commonly known this, but I once served in Vietnam [cymbal crash from Steve] as a photographer, and I got wounded in the foot here which is why I'm limping tonight. The next song is off our last album, which is called "Get Ready", which is still available in the shops (cheers) and it's _Crystal_.
Cheers and woos here.
BS: "Thank you!"
BS: "It's been a long time since we played in Chicago. Too long! It's these miserable bastards who won't play here. It was a joke! We love Chicago because it reminds us of Manchester. Especially as cold like it is today...it's lovely and cold compared to LA. To be in Chicago upon a cold day.
BS: "This is Regret."
BS: "Cheers, thank you. We're doing our best, we're doing our best in the circumstances that we're under. It's all that we can do, innit. Okay, this is uh, a track off our our new album, the album is called "Waiting For The Sirens' Call". I'm sure you all know that, anyway, but if any way ... that hasn't gotten it ... It's pretty good really. This is called _Hey___Now___What___You___Doing.
BS: "Thank you."
BS: "You [unintelligible], it was a bit bloody fast that, Steve. I don't know if Phil's going to be in the hospital tonight. Hey, that was Hey Now What You Doing, the punk version. Sorry, Steve our drummer is just sitting with the crystal meth and speed and all that stuff there, we tried to talk him out of it but he won't listen to us [cymbal crash] and hotel poronography as well [another cymbal crash]. I see you've cleaned up. That was a joke, I'm only joking. Okay, ah, next song...is _Krafty_, which of course is our new single, I think."
BS: "Cheers, thank you. That's a brilliant and happy song. I don't mind playing it(?)"
PH: "Uh, I'd like to dedicate this one to Joe Shanahan because he makes Chicago feel like home for me. I'm very greateful for that. And to the rest of the boys. Hit it, Phil!"
Somebody laughs during the second verse.
BS: "Thank you. That of course is a Joy Division song called Transmission. [Barney's voice is cracking here] I'm running out of breath, has anyone got any? OK, that's enough of that rock shit, we want you all to start dancing now. We're gonna play a dance tune. Unfortunately, I can't dance because of my foot. Actually, I've got to have it amputated tomorrow. Hooky's kindly offered to do it for me. [cymbal crash] So knock me on the anesthetic tonight and eh, he's gonna cut it off with one of...one of his bass strings. Enough of my yacking, this is True Faith.
This features the "taking drugs with me" lyric.
BS: "Thank you. Is everybody enjoying themselves as much as we are? Thank you. We do appreciate it."
The band tunes a bit.
BS: "Okay, we're gonna tune the situation down a little bit and play a song...slow song, it's a...it's a good song off the last album, it's called Run Wild."
Some chatter during the song.
BS: "Thank you, thank you. Wooh! Drinks are on me, if you all go to the bar now, you'll get a free drink on me. The drinks are free."
PH: "You told me that 28 years ago and you never paid for it..."
BS: "Including you, Hooky."
BS: "Okay, we're gonna leap forward a couple of years in time to our current album and this is Jetstream.
BS: "Thank you! Nice little touch by Philip at the end there, do it again, Phil. [he does] Don't get ideas upon the stage. Sacked! That's a good fun song, we're still all getting happier now as we're getting older [mumbled]...I'm still in my 20s, Hooky's in his 30s, Steve's an old-timer. [cymbal crash]"
BS: "Okay, back to the new album, we're gonna play, eh, my favorite track which of course means it's the best track of the album, and it's called Waiting For The Sirens' Call.
BS: "Thank you." (Hooky strums bass)
BS: "Oakley dokley, this is _Bizarre___Love___Triangle_."
BS: "We're getting pretty into it [mumble]. Cheers, thank you. Hooky's looking a bit slutty, you see the state of his hair. That cut [referring to Hooky's hair], you look like a bloody girl... that's the difference these days."
PH: "Thank you very much. Bet you say that to all the boys, don't you?"
BS: "Okay, we...we're gonna play _Love___Will___Tear___Us___Apart_."
Hooky mumbles something and then shouts "yeah", and yells during the bridge in the usual manner that he does during latterday performances of this track.
BS: "Thank you. ...as well."
PH: "I think old Ian Curtis helped us ... [unintelligible]."
BS: "Unfortunately, though we're all having [a great time] this is our last song (boos). C'mon, you only paid about 5 dollars to get in, what do you expect? Bleedin' Michael Jackson, y'know? That was a joke. All right, it's the last one, but it's a good one and John, I need to...the lights on a little bit so I can see what I'm playing. It's called _Tempatation_."
BS: "Thank you Chicago! As always, you've been one of the best audiences in the world and I really do mean that. Chicago is our second home, and... I'd like to thank these guys who've come all from England. The Vikings. [referring to the front row.] I don't know why they do that unless they're fooking nuts. But uh, thanks everyone and we'll see everyone in 20 years! That was a joke."
New Order leave the stage. And then come back.
BS: "Thank you. [mutters to soundman] If you tune the guitar... Right, okay, we added an encore and you got a choice of two songs, and we want you to decide which songs we play. The choices are Atmosphere and Your Silent Face. Who wants Atmosphere? (cheers) Who wants Your Silent Face? (louder cheers) We'll play both of them. Do you want us to play both? All right, it'll cost you extra, you can pay me on the way out, and then free drinks like I mentioned before."
BS: "Okay, let's start with Atmosphere."
PH: "Well, here we go. This is where I say to Phil 1-2-3-4."
BS: "Thank you! Thank you. That was, erm, a very beautiful song by Joy Division, and now we're going to play a very beautiful song by New Order, if I can find my melodica."
punter #1: "We love you, Bernard"
punter #2: "Ceremony."
punter #3: "Yes, thank you!"
BS: "Thank you!" Hooky ends it with a bass solo. "Okay".
BS: "All right. All right. Thinking all it could be and should be. Is it over boys? Thank you very much. You've been a...you've been an absolutely fantastic audience in Chicago. You know you get this bullshit all the time, we been to every town, but we want you to know that (it's) no bullshit, and that we really really mean it, and that we're gonna finish tonight with _Blue___Monday_.
This version also features Kylie's "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" samples.
punter: "Wow!" Tape fades out.
A total of two audience masters, one from a 'boldcaptain' (taped with CSB's > Sony M1 DAT) and the other from DM1993 (Sony ECM-717 > TC-D8). Both versions were seeded to DIME.
The complete video, as aired on Australian TV, has also surfaced. At one point this was considered for release, but never was officially put out.
intro music is a Kraftwerk tune into an updating-sounding Ennio Moricone track.
The bc version misses out on this.
announcer: "C'mon world, gotta welcome them now!"
BS: "C'mon, we want a better welcome than that! It's been about 20 years since we've played here, but we are on time. Absolutely on time, and feeling fine."
Mic being scraped around as it was being adjusted (boldcaptain version)
BS: "Hello, New York. We are New Order...as if you didn't know. And we're gonna start tonight with a song, it a good ol' redneck song, it's called Love Vigilantes."
Bernard calls out "C'mon" during the middle of this to get the fans worked up...
BS: "Wooh! Thank you! That song is about Vietnam. I got shot in the foot, and that's why I can't dance around too much [Hooky twang bass] with my sore foot."
BS: "However, the next song we're gonna play is off our last album and it's called, eh, Crystal."
Silence in bc version between 1:22-1:32.
BS: "'k you! Wooh! Thank you. Okay, is everyone having a good time? (cheers)
BS: "Whew, don't get too excited. We're gonna play Regret."
(at end)
BS: "Whoo! Black power."
BS: "Thanks. At this stage I'd like to introduce Phil Cunningham, our new guitarist. And keyboard programming, as you can see by the...rack of technology right behind him. His brain is bigger than it looks. And you work all that stuff, Phil?"
BS: "We're gonna do ehh...we're starting to eh...a grand marathon of tracks off our new album, right. It's obvious that we want you buy the album, that's why we're here. Track's called 'Hey Now What You're Doing'.
(at end)
BS: "Thank you." A bit of a pause between songs, where you can hear cheering and call-outs.
BS: "Okay, now my guitar's in tune, it must have been me. Hey, the next one is...". The last sentence is off-mic, can't be heard at all on the DM93 but can be faintly heard on bc's.
PH: "All right, kids."
Countup ("1-2-3-4" between verse and chorus), only heard on the bc version.
BS: "Thank you! Just gotta tune up, won't be a sec."
Somebody calls for '1963' a couple of times. (DM93)
Hooky cackles.
PH: "It's the ugliest fucking front row I've ever seen in my life. I feel _perfectly_ at home."
BS: "Okay, this is a song by Joy Division, it's called Transmission. Really fast version of it."
BS: "Thank you. Running out of breath, has anyone got any... uhhh... When you get to your mid-20s, you just can't do anything. So, erm, that was hard, that was where we started out, as a rock band all those years ago, in like 1978, and eh, we're gonna take it to the mid-80s with a song called _True___Faith_."
BS: "We need a bit of your technology, Phil. We need you to twirl those knobs..."
BS: "Thank you. Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. We always have a bit...a little bit trouble getting the end of that song right, but Steve gave us a very big hint at the end on his drums there [cymbal crash] and we got it right."
BS: "Okay, all that fun now, we're gonna chill things out a little bit with, eh, a pretty soulful song off our last album. It's the last track off the last album, it's called Run Wild."
Intro is still a bit shaky.
After the first verse:
BS: "Turn the strings up, Di(?)!" (Dian Barton)
BS: "Thank you. Thanks for being so sympathetic with a song that isn't designed for banging heads together. But nevertheless, it's an important song."
Now, eh, the next, eh, start, the next part of the set, I'd like to introduce Ana Matronic from the Scissor Sisters, I hope she's coming from this side of the stage. Ana...she's a hometown girl, all the way from New York City."
AM: "Long communte, very long communte."
BS: "She's got an english heart though."
AM; "Ha ha ha."
BS: "And, eh, this is a song that's we think's gonna be our next single, it's called Jetstream."
(at end)
BS: "'k you! Thank you, Ana, it's been only a pleasure...having you.
AM: "Thank you!"
BS: "No, thank you!"
AM: "Let's hear it for New Order! Fuck..."
BS: "She's fucking great, man, she's great. Whooh. All right, do you want us to play some more, or do you want us to fuck off. Oh, be indifferent, eh, be indifferent. All right, if you want us to fuck off, we'll play some more, if you want us to play some more, we'll fuck off. We'll show you what indifference is, we're from Manchester, home of cunts. I'm joking of course, it's my dry English sense of humor. And, eh, I just need to change guitar. 330 please. C'mon man you got to be having a good time tonight! We are, and I'm not allowed to, the doctor says I'm not allowed to."
(the last bit was obviously left off of the broadcast)
BS: "Okay, what we're gonna play next is another track off our new album, and it's the title track, and it's called 'Waiting For The Sirens Call'".
(at end)
BS: "'k you. Cheers. Thanks a lot! I want to be(?)...back after the show please. All you're doing is the video cameras.
BS: "Okay, the next song is a real personal challenge for me because I was surfing when we played in LA, and, erm, my buddy fell of his surfboard, and got attacked by a shark. I've known him for a very long time, and I rescued him, but the shark bit me in the foot, so I'm can't dance very well [cymbal crash]. My buddy escaped completely uninjured, but that's the sort of guy that I am. Don't want a medal, just a bit of sympathy. [At this point everyone "Awwws"] Anyway, this is Bizarre Love Triangle."
Of course, the above is complete rubbish, which I think everybody knew.
BS: "Thank you. [syndrum] Is there a doctor in the house?" [Phil plays a keyboard line]
PH: "Ok, du du du [hums some melody, clears his throat, and then cough] You're ready, Bernard?
BS: "Don't [something] again, the small string, Jerry."
PH: "And now it's a good old-fashioned sing-along. We have a lot of these up north."
PH: "1-2-3-4!"
During the "Love Will Tear Us Apart" chorus, Bernard yells "Faster!" twice. Later, he shouts, "2-3-4!".
And there's a point where he sounds like MES singing one of the verses, very, very odd.
BS: "Thank you very much, that was eh, Love Will Tear Apart Us, crossed with Anarchy In The UK. All right, you said 3 more songs after."
The last sentence sounds garbled...not 100% of the wording or if Barney meant for that to be heard.
BS: "Guess that was a solo song called Love Will Tear Us Apart. And this is Temptation."
Nothing happens.
BS: "And this is Temptation." The track starts.
BS: "Thank you very much. According to my list, that's it. Who wants this guitar? Spoilsport. [referring to the roadie who takes his guitar off him] It's been great playing New York again, hopefully we'll return...me a sign, and if you clap loud enough, we might come back in five minutes."
BS: "I've got...whoa...yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. That means I'm optimistic like Michael Jackson, because he always does that and he's gonna fucking losing it. (sotto voce) Right, Atmosphere. Thank you very much."
BS: "Eh, Since it's been, eh, twenty-five years since, ehm, our original lead singer, Ian Curtis, died, we're gonna fu...we're gonna do two Joy Division songs to start our encore. This is 'She's Lost Control', one-two-three-four, two-three-two-four two-three...that's about right. How's Hooky on the bass?"
Hooky helps out during the chorus.
BS: "Thank you very much. It's been quite some time since we played that song [yeah, about 6 days before]. Thank you. I told you about my sore foot...aww [something] man, it's killing me. Ian...Ian might have died, but bloody hell, he didn't have to live with this."
PH: "You ready for all your box of Trix? Ha ha."
BS: "I don't get legendary status, do I, because I got a sore fucking foot."
Hooky laughs.
BS: "And getting laughed at."
PH: "One, two, three, four."
BS: "Thank you. For some strange reason, my mic's distorting... out of phase, out there...but if it's OK, lets leave it."
BS: "Hey, what the hell...this is Blue Monday, and we use a vocoder, so just pretend I'm a vocoder."
Lots of Kylie mixed in. Can't get it out of my head.
BS: "Thank you, New York. Good night, you've been a great audience!"
Hooky outros with the BM bassline along with the synth effects. Good stuff.
Captured for immortality by none other than ATR.
BS: "Hello, Spain. Viva Espana. Que pasa. I'm sorry it's so long since we last played here. But Peter our bass player got a bad case of diarrhea and didn't wanna come back."
BS: "Okay, we're gonna start the set tonight with a song called Love Vigilantes."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, cheers."
BS: "Okay, that was an old one. Don't know how old, but it was gold."
BS: "Okay, erm...we're st...gonna play the first track of an album we've been told today that none of you like herein Spain...so fuck you! This is Crystal."
(at end)
BS: "Ya, thank you!"
Punter calls for SC.
PH: "A few bum notes, so it must be you bastards in Blackburn putting me off. Why can't you keep in the mountain(?) end where you belong?"
[can't quite make out the latter part]
BS: "Okay, this is Regret."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you."
BS: "Gee, it's hot in Spain. It's even hotter than Manchester. Is there anyone there that knows how to tune a guitar up?"
BS: "You don't care if my guitar's in tune, do you? If you don't, I don't. Anyway, here's..."
BS: "Okay, this is Hey Now, What You're Doing off our new album."
(at conclusion)
BS: "Thank you! Thank you."
BS: "Thank you. I know this is a cliche, but is everybody having a good time? [cheers] Well, good."
punter: "Some Joy Division!"
BS: "Okay, we're going to play another track off our most recent album, I believe it's called 'Waiting For The Sirens' Call', alright, you kids are...[something] it's called Krafty."
BS: "Thank you, thank you."
Shouts near the taper of 'Nuorder'...the usual.
PH: "Alright. Gary, you out there? We're running out of clothes up here mate, you better send some quick. All right, this one's for you, who's ever getting married, good luck to you."
BS: "Okay, this is Transmission by Joy Division which is really us."
BS: "Cheers, thanks a lot."
BS: "Calm down, calm down. If you talk all at once, I can't understand what you're saying. Okay, what we're going to do right now, right here right now is chill things out a little bit with a song off the album you all hate, so I've been told by journalists in Spain, obviously wasting my breath. This is Run Wild, is it? Yes it is, yes it is."
After less than a minute, the rendition breaks down.
BS: "I'm sorry, my assistant guitarist fucked up. If you do that again, you're sacked!"
[punter asks Alex for water]
PH: "Tell him to fuck off, Phil. I got yer back mate. Fuck off!"
BS: "Can't get any, can't get any [quality] help these days. It's in.... it's in B flat."
They restart the song, and this time make it all the way through.
BS: "'Q. Well, if you don't like that, there's something wrong with you. Or alternatively, there's something wrong with me. Which, of course there is, if you're going to get philosophical about it, there's something wrong with all of us, isn't there? For example, my friend here Phil here has a very small penis, but he doesn't like people to know about it. And his mate over there, Chris, can't get an erection, and he really doesn't want...people to know about it, isn't that right, Chris? Surrections." [cymbal crash, courtesy of Steve]
BS: "All right, we'll get on with it, enough of my chit-chat! This is Jetstream off the new album."
PH: "Yeah."
BS: "Thank you, Jerry could you put a little bit extra on his guitar, please. Thank you, we're gonna play another track off our new album, obviously we want you to go out and buy it. You obviously all bought it, so don't buy it again."
[punter: Alright, is that taping?]
BS: "If you do, if you go into a small disc...and attempt to mention my name at the record shop..."
BS: "Would you just go over..." [probably talking
BS: "This is again off our new album, another one, another one. This is 'Waiting For The Sirens' Call', the title track."
BS: "Thank you."
A bit of a long pause between tracks.
BS: "That's another good song, if I do say so myself. Okay, we've bored the ass of you with new songs and old songs. But now we're going to start playing everybody's favorites because we are whores. And let's face it, it's been a long time since we've played in Barcelona. [person near the taper shouts something out]. So as an audience, I think you deserve it. And we're gonna start with Bizarre Love Triangle."
Nice ending, until somebody drops their bass.
BS: "Thank you, excuse the set where we all get our breath...we're getting on a bit, you know."
BS: "Okay, this is True Faith."
The backing vocals (Dawn Zee?) are really loud in the mix.
PH: (during bridge) "Here we go! Here we go! Oh, oh, oh, owww..."
BS: "Muchas gracias."
some keyboards.
PH: "Does you good sometimes to fucking jet, you know what I mean? You don't want to make a cunt of yourself there. Sorry darling. Swore there. Sorry, baby. My daughter's there. She doesn't know to swear. This is for all of you."
Usual, "C'mon Steve" from Hooky.
BS: "I'm not sure it was there, Hooky."
PH: "Anyway, I want to dedicate this one to Iggy Pop, because I fucking love him."
BS: "Okay, I told you we were going to give you some classics. You've heard every classic in the book tonight. Well, here's another one. It's called Temptation."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, you've been a fantastic audience. It's really great to play in Spain again, thank you good night!"
A couple of syndrum hits.
A quite rare version without an introduction from Bernard!
Has the Kylie samples, of course.
BS: "Cheers, thank you very much, Barcelona. Y viva Espana."
Taped by a "Stutter" using SBC M570 mics into a Nomad Jukebox 3, just in front of the soundboard and posted to DIME>
Taper Comments:
This was one of my first successful tapings outdoors... Initialy, I was
not very confident on the abilities of my MIC outdoors (not really made
for recording live gigs despite its good performance indoors) since the
weather was extremely windy (as you may hear at some points of the
recording), and also because the main sponsor of the festival was a beer
brand (Cheap beer = Lots of screamers) but, most importantly, the awful
acoustic the venue had. I can nearly say that this recording sounds
better than the live concert was itself! You can hear some people around
me talking throught the recording, but nothing out of this world. There
are some volume oscilations here and there, and the overall volume is
not very loud "per se", I like it just as it is but, if you don't like
it, maybe you should consider raising a few dB with Cool Edit or any
other program, feel free to do so. As for the band, they really seemed
to enjoy this concert more than anything else! It was their first time
in Portugal and the audience was really excited about hearing NO live
for the very first time live! They had some real competition that day
with bands like The Hives or Moby, but I think most of the people
present in that festival day was there for New Order. Bernard screwed up
Krafty by shouting the words which made Peter furious, starting a small
fight on stage (you cannot hear it though). The band delivered us a nice
setlist in an exceptional mood, and promised to return soon to Portugal.
I was thrilled for watching one of my favorite bands in such a great
performance! As for the recording itself, I think it's pretty good,
considering all the adversities I had to record this
(weather/screamers/mics), I was pleasantly surprised with the overall
quality of the recording. I'll give it a B!
Some audience chatter (in Portugese) at start. Morris drops in a drum fill.
BS: "Hello, Portugal. [house keyboard plonking] Long day for Christopher Columbus. We're New Order. On my left, I've got Peter Hook, otherwise known as Hooky. "
PH: "One two. Hello, everybody."
BS: "On my right, I've got filthy Phil, Phil Cunningham, Phil Cunningham." [guitar riff]
BS: "Right behind me, I've got Stephen Paul David Morris. [cymbal crash]. Or as we call him, Boris Morris. [another cymbal crash]"
BS: "Okay, This is Love Vigilantes. A bit brighter on the voice, Jerry."
You can hear the sound of Velcro getting pulled at the end. This is endemic to HD-based recorders, since they are often held in protective cases with Velcro lateches.
BS: "Thank you. Jerry, can you hockey[?] once in a while, can you move this microphone?"
BS: "Is everyone having a good festival? Well, all right, we'll soon put a stop to all than then. We're gonna play a song off our, er, last album, called Get Ready...and...just a minute, just a minute. This is called Crystal."
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
Some strumming here.
BS: "Anyone got any good micstands, you'd think at a festival like this, they don't get wobble like this. Just give us a second while we tune up, please. Or don't you care? Go home without detention. Call his name."
I don't get what Bernard is on about with the "detention" comment, unless he just excused the audience.
BS: "Okay, I think we can safely say we're in tune now, so this is Regret."
Near the end, somebody with what sounds like an Irish brogue says "There ya go...". There's some chattering afterwards, would be good to get a translation.
BS: "Jerry, you're keeping in side fills, you're blasting 'im man.
BS: "Okay, that was an old but a goldie, we're gonna play a newie that's very bluey...it's called, eh, "Road To Ruin".
Interesting in that Bernard uses the working title.
A silence between songs, at least before
BS: "Alright, this is Krafty."
I almost jumped out of my seat when I first heard the following.
Bernard sings, "We've got violence, wars, and killing two", starts in on the next line, and then all OF A SUDDEN *screams* "SHRUNK DOWN IN A TWO FOOT TUBE. He then screws up, skips a verse on the autocue and sings "I've heard the world is a beautiful place, and then shouts out "WITH VIOLENCE WARS AND THE HUMAN RACE."
OH THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO BE, AND THIS IS WHAT WHAT I WANT TO DO. The chorus is also screamed as well...for this verse and the next.
All this confirms that there's prerecorded harmony/backing vocals.
The taper records that Bernard's antics infuriated Hooky, and there was a small fight on stage.
BS: "Okay, this is Transmission."
A few stereo shifts as the taper moves around.
A couple of quick edits at this point.
BS: "Okay, this is Run Wild."
False start after the intro bit.
BS: "All right, we'll try...Phil, we'll try that again." [Bernard mutters something about how it might have been his fault].
Somebody mistakenly identifies this as 'Slow Jam'.
BS: "Okay, she's lost control." While he says this, Phil plays a keyboard riff that wouldn't be out of place in a Madonna song. There's the sound of somebody unwrapping something during the bass intro.
BS: "Thank you!"
BS: "Okay, take you out of Joy Division now. No. Oh, we have a winner here, don't we? Parlez vous Ingles? Nah? Parlez vous Mancunian? Manchester United? [audience yells affirmatively] Oh yeah, you understand that, don't you? Because we whipped your fucking ass."
Play nice, Barney.
BS: "Okay this is, er, the title track of our next, our new...new album, which is called Waiting For The Sirens Call, also the album is called Waiting For The Sirens Call, please go out and buy it, that is why we're here tonight. This is called 'promotion'."
BS: "Thank you."
PH: "Just turn the bass and snare down a bit, Jerry, we need that down." [not sure on wording on last part, it's mumbled]
BS: "Okay, from guitar-orientated rock to twat-orientated dance music. This is Bizarre Love Triangle. Turn the fucking lights off."
Interesting ending with the keyboard bits.
BS: "Jerry, I'm on the monitors now. Jerry, I'm on the wedges, the pack has fallen apart. Whoa, life in the real world suddenly. Hope you're enjoying it."
Phil plays tentative house piano.
BS: "Right. Hello, everyone. I've lost my earphones, and suddenly I'm in a festival with 30,000 Portugese people. All of 'em Manchester United fans. Oh sorry, I'm wrong, there's one person that's booing here in the front. He's obviously a Liverpool fan."
BS: "Okay, this is True Faith."
What sound like people around the taper have a conversation throughout the introduction.
More synth chords...
PH: "This one's for you, uh, with the t-shirt, because you've been waving at me. Do you know what it is? Get ready, Bernard."
Guitar stuffming.
PH: "You OK? For you, yeah you!"
Bernard loudly yells "C'mon" during the chorus.
BS: "Cheers, thank you! That should be the end of our set, obviously. But we're in Portugal, we're gonna chip in one more for free."
BS: "Oi! Okay, this is Temptation."
More yelling from Bernard (the "last time" line).
BS: "Thank you! We've warmed you up for the end, and we've warmed up ourselves in the process. Thank you, goodnight!"
There's about two minutes on this recording between the main set and the inevitable encore.
PH?: "Hey hey"
Phil plays the Atmosphere chimes as a bit of a teaser.
BS: "You won us over. We never normally play encores, but we'll make an exception tonight (he stumbles over the word 'tonight'). Erm, since it's been 25 years, erm, since the death of Ian Curtis, we're playing a few Joy Division songs tonight. So this is the last of those and it's called Atmosphere."
The usual sorts of whistles (both from the audience and Bernard)...
BS: "Thank you. God bless you, Ian. You should be fucking here now, man."
BS: "Okay, we know you're all disco bunnies at heart. And there's one song that we've not played yet. It's our *favorite* song to play, and I never get tired of playing it. [machine beats start up] It's called FUCKING Blue Monday."
Another synthy ending, like BLT.
BS: "Cheers! Thank you! The drinks are on me. You've been a great audience. See you again soon, hopefully. Bye bye!"
Ends with the house PA going on playing an old show tune, of all things.
From really clear audience DAT recording, so clear it captures
the hum coming from NO's amps, which apparently was a problem
with the sound of the venue
Annoying German announcer at start doing a call-and-response tease with the band name. The video footage shows that he's a blonde guy, figures.
Full recording of new intro tape (Ennio Morricone's "For A Few Dollars More"), often mistaken (by yours truly as well!) as being "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly"). This would appear hereafter throughout the remaining 2005-6 dates.
BS: "Hello. Mein Damen und Herren. Wir sind New Order. And eh... Das is Your Silent Face."
Bernard is inexplicibly wearing a shirt reading "Muhammad Ali" on the back. A few errors with the melodica playing.
BS: "Well, thank you. I fear we're just about to pull that one off, just about. [guitar] Okay, is everyone having a good festival so far? Ya von, mein herr. Okay, we're gonna, eh play a song off our last album, not our more recent one, the last album was called Get Ready, and this is Crystal."
PH: "Andy, would you turn this fucking light off here or what? Thank you."
Poor Andy Liddle.
Even more inexplicibly, Hooky is wearing a shirt reading "RUN-DMC".
Between verses, we get one of the piercing whistles Bernard is (in)famous for. Internal edit in webcast.
BS: "Thank you! Cheers, thanks a lot. Jerry, the guitar's come down a litle bit too much. Topline synths are a bit too loud, the piano... [some noodling] Damien, I need the 330, please."
He goes sidestage to swap guitars.
Bernard comes back to the mic with his Gibson 330.
BS: "Okay, this is Regret."
BS: "Yoooo! Damien, I'm going to stay with this guitar. Jerry, can you turn down the dB's a little bit off the track."
BS: "Is everybody staying here tomorrow? You're not going to be here tomorrow? Well, it's going to rain. Sorry."
BS: "I'm ready, is everyone else ready? And We're ready. This is Waiting For The Siren's Call."
BS: "Cheers. Glad you liked that, we put quite a bit of work into it."
BS: "Okay, eh, we're gonna play Jetstream next."
BS: "Thank you!"
Melodica teaser.
BS: "This is Love Vigilantes"
(in strained rockist voice...)
BS: "Aww right, this is Love Vigilantes!"
(at end)
BS: "A classic(?) if I ever heard one. That was about the Vietnam War. And my part in it."
BS: "Thank you. That was Transmission by Joy Division. Whoo! Which of course, was us."
BS: "Just chill out for a minute while we have a drink, right? It's cold, isn't it? Even for us from England, this is cold. My heart bleeds for you all in your tents tonight, must be fucking freezing in those tents. But bet there's a few nice birds out there, isn't there."
PH: "Doing loads of shagging then."
BS: "That's why I'm in Europe."
BS: "Okay, we're gonna play a very sensitive song off of, erm, Get Ready. It's called Run Wild."
Which they play.
BS: "And if that doesn't touch your soul, you ain't got one."
Some audience member yells out "Geeve it to meee!". (DAT version)
BS: "Okay, this is "Road To Ruin".
Another one yells out "New Order rocks."
BS: "Okay, well, another...another new song! We're playing all the new songs for you, right, tonight. We're playing the whole new album. Here's Krafty."
BS: "Okay, we've bored the ass off of you with the new ones, now we're gonna play some hoary chestnuts that we know you fucking love because you like them. Thank you very much Damien for your lev... [can't make out last word]."
BS: "Eh, right, this is...is Bizarre Love Triangle."
A new bit where Bernard repeats "Every time" a few times.
BS: "Wow, thank you. Woo! Thought you'd like that one. So fucking predictable. Even more predictable than we are."
BS: "If you liked that one, you'll like this one. It's called True Fucking Faith."
Another internal edit in webcam version.
BS: "Thank you."
Puntess cries out for "Blue Monday".
PH: "I want to dedicate this one to Sku Req(?), cuz I knew him when he was nothing, and he's still fucking nothing."
Somebody says "Arsehor" in reaction.
BS: "This is Love Will Tear Us Apart."
Big ending on this one, with quite a bit of noodling.
More shouting for Blue Monday. They really love their Blauer Montag in Deutschland.
BS: "Thank you. I can't understand what you're saying if you all talk at the same time.
BS: "This is Temptation."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, good night. Cheers, thanks a lot."
Encore break of about a minute and a half follows.
The following quip can be heard:
"We don't want a blue Saturday, we want a Blue Monday."
BS: "It's Blue Monday"
PH: "This one's for you Alex. Your faith inspires me every day."
Hooky could also be saying "face" or "fame", hard to tell. I bet it's "face".
Not the Kylie version, but there's a nice little keyboard riff before the Kraftwerk choral sample.
BS: "Cheers, thanks a lot, bye bye."
The Southside broadcast has a bit of the soundcheck where you can hear New Order soundchecking "Warsaw". This is followed by somebody going "hey, hey two two...wasn't like that at fuckin' Glastonbury"...and "the whole thing is..." "fucking, the whole stage is fuckin' [?]... Phil's is particularly nasty..." "everything, the buzz is coming off of everything, Wes..." and similar desultory comments regarding the sound.
Writeup courtesy of the only known native HD capture of a New Order perofrmance. (1080i H.264). Contains only five songs (Crystal, Krafty, True Faith, LWTUA, and Blue Monday).
BS: "Okay, we're going to start the set tonight with a track off er... Get Ready, called Crystal."
(at end)
BS: "Yeah!"
BS: "This is Krafty...Andy..." (faded out in broadcast)
[perhaps referring to Liddle...but it's outdoors?]
BS: "True Faith...and we want you all to sing on the chorus. I know it's real corny, but fuck it, let's...let's be corny for once."
BS: "'k you!"
Bernard completely messes up the first line, singing "Routine bites hard, resentment runs low" instead of "ambitions are low"...which of course causes him to mess up the second line as he's thrown himself off track.
He "2-3-4's" after the first chorus.
Hooky stands on the drum pedestal during the bridge.
The 'Cmon' count = 4.
BS: "Okay, this is Blauer Montag."
Features deliciously horrid dancing at the start, as well as Kylie bits during the intro.
Bernard giggles through singing the "ship in the harbor" line, maybe in reaction to Phil doing a little jig, but more likely, somebody throwing a beach ball up on stage. While the ending credits roll, Hooky can be seeing heading said ball and then kicking it back to the audience.
Old Blue reports:
"I think [Alan Wise] has been taking note of your DAD seeds, the intro went something along the lines of "Some people like skiffle, some like blues, some like surf rock but here's a band that covers it all, New Order"
And here's what he said.
AW: "Hey, it's quite jolly out there, innit? Now, some people like skiffle music, some like folk, some like jazz, and some like us like R&B. The trick is to get somebody that plays everything, isn't it. We think we've found that for you because we got a band here that likes to please and play everything for you. Welcome, if you will, the Orders!"
BS: "Oh...if you(?) can turn up the [can't make out]"
A pity this didn't make the XFM recording.
Gig writeup taken from various sources, mostly from the XFM recording.
BS: "Hope we can do, eh, justice to your enthusiasm. I don't believe in sponsorship, but I'd like to thank the Clear Channel and O2 for making this all possible. (some folks boo at the mention of the sponsors) Whoa! And Adidas of course."
Morris follows with a "punchline" cymbal crash at the mention of Adidas. Bernard was decked out in Adidas through much of the '05 dates, you see.
BS: "Okay we're gonna start the proceedings tonight with a little song called Crystal."
Dawn Zee does live backing vocals here.
BS: "Whoa, thank you, thank you, cheers. Whoo. And sorry about the rain, we must have brought it down from Manchester with us."
Chants of "New Order, New Order" throughout.
PH: "Just want to say happy birthday to Lauren, darling, happy 14th birthday. Many of them, love."
_Regret_ follows. Unusually for this tour, it's not introduced!
BS: "Thank you. [replying to the incessant chanting] C'mon, you got to think of a better tune than that. Even we can."
BS: "Okay, this is, eh, Krafty. No it's not, no it's not, no it's not, hang on! I got it wrong, hang on. This is Love Vigilantes."
Bernard flubs a note on the melodica intro.
(at end)
BS: "Yeah! Whoop. Roger, no one's panicking...what's...what's happening mate? All right, don't worry, don't worry, let's stay cool, let's stay cool."
It appears that the autocue has stopped working, guaranteeing that we don't have the same old renditions!
Bernard then addresses the chanting head-on...well, for him at least.
BS: "If you all speak at the same time, we can't understand what you're saying. So this guy in the orange shirt, what are you saying, man? Meanwhile, I know we...we...we are New Order. We know, I know, we're stupid Mancunians, but fuck me, I know the name of our group!"
BS: "Okay, this is Krafty."
No guitar for Bernard for this one during the first part of song, but a roadie hands him his 335 for the part near the end.
BS: "Yeah! Okay, uh, Damien, have you got an SG there? Have you got an SG? No? Okay, guys, do you mind if we do...listen, Hooky...let's do True Faith cuz my SG's not ready, I can't play it...True Faith, True Faith."
Fans cheer when Bernard mentions the song title.
Dawn Zee sings backing vocals here.
BBC4 has no qualms about airing the "taking drugs with me" line.
BS: "Thank you. Cheers!"
Yet more chanting.
BS: "Okay, how we doin' Rog, any...any good news for me? Okay, we're gonna play Transmission now, a Joy Division song."
Never heard wah-wah guitar used in this song before, and if I never hear it again, it'd be too soon.
BS: "Cheers, thank you!"
Bernard is holding a plastic cup with wine in it.
BS: "Okay, I know it's a cliche, but is everyone having a good time? That's our aim in life, it has been for the past twenty-odd years, or what's been life, is to have a good time and fuck everything else, and we've achieved it, so hopefully we can share a little bit of that with you by playing a really down and miserable song."
Now we see the effects of the missing autocue.
lyrics: "Far and wide, sweet and sinful, Jehovah knows I've been sinful. But all the time, I think of you, I can not lie ... tell me what to do. High and low, like a cruel game. Satan knows that we all are the same...but if Jesus Christ to take your hand, I won't let go, I won't let go...
Far and wide, sweet and sinful, all the things that I'd been thinking, Lying alone, for Jesus sake, I can't believe, I took your fate. You're the kind of person that I always wanted to be with. When you're really cool, and you always say the right things to me. Now I'll tell you something, well my heart beats for you deep inside. You'll never be a burden, and my love for you will never die.
If Jesus comes to take your hand, I won't let go, I won't go (x2) Whoo!
Yeaaah! Whoo!
Good times around the corner, good times around the corner Good times around the corner, I swear it's getting warmer Good times around the corner, good times around the corner Good times around the corner, I'm gonna live to get high. I'm gonna live till I die."
BS: "'k you! Notice that it's "Q" and not "Thank You". It's Q, cuz I've got hay fever. Anyone got hay fever in the audience?" Come backstage after and I'll give you a snort of something that'll sort you out. Aller-eaze, it's called."
Well, my personal preference is Claritin...eh, Neil Claritin, very good. Okay, this is Jetstream."
Think it's Dawn Zee still doing backing vocals, no Ana here.
BS: "Thank you!"
Shouts for "New Order" get really loud at this point.
Morris taps the syndrums a bit.
BS: "Okay, we just gotta tune up for a second. Just to prove it's not all on tape, you know."
BS: "Okay, this is Waiting For The Sirens' Call. Oh, and it's raining again. And we like it God, we're from Manchester, please rain a little bit more, we love it."
An XFM promo appears at this point, after the track.
PH: "Hooky's sleepy out there, innit? [coughs and sighs] Always lost for words on occasions like this. There's only two that spring to mind."
BS: "Okay, this is Bizarre Love Triangle."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you. [clears throat] Has anybody got a spare set of lungs out there...that you don't want."
BS: "Okay, this is a word-free Love Will Tear Us Apart, never tried it before." (probably a reference to the missing autocue)
PH: "This is best set of fucking da...mosh pit dancing I've ever seen in my fucking life. You all must be over 40, you bunch of fucking daft bastards. You're making me feel guilty, fucking hell!"
And of course, this sounds absolutely massive.
Hooky yells out "Ready, Steve!" between verses.
Another XFM station promo.
BS: "That was first ever indie air...indie record. And if there's any wank-faced journalists in the audience, fuck you. Unless you like us. And the next song we're gonna play is the second ever indie record, which is called Temptation."
The audience "oh ohh's along to the melody, very impressive to hear this.
Another XFM promo, this time during the song, right after the "eyes" bit.
BS: "Thank you, good night, you've been a fantastic audience. A few technical problems here on stage so I hope you bear with us. Thank you very much, good night!"
Yet another XFM bit.
PH: "Good night everybody, good bye."
Encore break of a couple of minutes or so.
PH: "Gives you wings!" (He must be holding a can of Red Bull)
BS: "Hello again. We've have got a few technical problems, so you'll have to bear with us. Quite severe ones. So, please feel sorry for us."
PH: "Ready, Phil. I'd like to dedicate this to everybody who can't be with us tonight."
Bernard mumbles the line after "Life rebuilding", meaning the autocue's still out. Actually, he's not done too badly without it.
The singer lets out a blood-curdling scream near the end.
BS: "Hooky, are you anywhere to be found? Hooky, where are you? Oh, Phil wants to do She's Lost Control. Yup, man, yup...allright, this is... I don't want to give the game away, but this is She's Lost Control."
Another XFM promo during the intro of the song.
Lots of Phil keyboards in this one.
And one more XFM promo bit.
BS: "Guess which song this is. Blue fucking Monday, yo! But we love it."
Bernard starts to change things a bit with the phrasing.
BS: "Thank you. Hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have. Let's hear if Hyde Park can compete(?) from London. Thank you very much, good night.
announcer: "New Order, live on XFM. At the O2 wireless festival, Hyde Park. Day one over. What a day we had. Brilliant, some great bands. Moby, the Bravery, Graham Coxon, Psychedelic Furs, Dresden Dolls. On the XFM stage we had Boy Kill Boy performance, Rilo Kiley, Vicious Spoons, the Dears, Hard-Fi. You'll be able to hear all that over the next coming days. That, I promise you."
There's more in the way of announcer chatter, with the most notable thing mentioned was that he didn't think there was quite enough swearing!
Writeup from BBC3 broadcast.
BS: "I was Turtle's dad. One two one two one two one two. Jerry, my pack's not working. My pack ain't working."
Hooky plays his bass during the last-minute soundchecking.
PH: "I know there's quite a few of you, isn't there? [chuckles]. Well done, a great day, a great day."
BS: "One two one two, that worked, yeah. Right, now we got rid of our technical gremlins, we're gonna start the set tonight with Crystal."
Dawn Zee is along for backing vocals.
The BBC3 broadcast is missing most of this song.
BS: "Yo, thank you very much."
PH: "That was shaky that, a bit shaky that."
BS: "Okay, this is a song called Love Vigilantes."
Bernard's playing a modern black-and-white melodica, rather than the classic Hohner green-and-white 25 keyer.
BS: "Thank you. Cheers, thanks a lot. Woo."
Chants of "New Order" at this point.
BS: "All right, straight into Krafty."
BS: "'k you. Cheers, thanks a lot."
More chanting of the group's name.
BS: "Would you stop and give us a few seconds while we tune up, cuz we're dead professional these days."
PH: "Would be a lot better with a bit of mud on, don't we?"
BS: "There we go, sound a lot better now. Erm, we're gonna hop back 25 years now to a track that we wrote in our previous group Joy Division and erm, we like to do this in memory of our dear friend Ian Curtis who died 25 years ago. Thinking(?) of John Peel and Rob Gretton."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you. Whoo! I'm all out of breath, has anyone got any? You know what it's like when you get to our age, Hooky."
PH: "You should have seen him rooting about at 3:00 this morning."
BS: "Okay, this is True Faith. Fellas, you want to groove(?) that way. If you don't, you can fuck off."
Both Hooky and Dawn Zee perform backing vocals, at one point they share a mic and he puts his arm around her while they sing together.
BS: "'k you! I really enjoying it, we're having a fucking great time up here. I shouldn't swear because this is on television.
(only have this on the .mkv version)
BS: "Hey, we're gonna chill things out a little bit now with a track off of our album called Get Ready...and...this is called Run Wild."
_Jetstream_ (with Ana Matronic)
BS: "Er, for this one, I'd like to introduce our special guest, from the Scissor Sisters, Ana Matronic. She's dressed ... a bit here. She's making me look ... right?"
Ana comes out in a full-length satin pink robe.
AM: "It's the only place in the entire festival that I can wear heels. How's everybody doing? I hope you're as pleased to be here as I am!"
BS: "Okay, this is Jetstream."
They hug at the end of the song.
AM: "Let's hear it for New Order!"
BS: "Thank you, Ana. She's a star."
BS: "Well, guess what we're gonna play now. This is Love Will Tear Us Apart."
PH: "1-2-3-4!"
Never noticed this before, but Hooky has a capo on the second fret of his Eccleshall, at least for this song.
(only have this on the .mkv version)
BS: "All right, this is Temptation."
Hooky starts wandering around the pit era, at one point even looking through one of the video cameras positioned there.
BS: "I'm not quite sure what's going on. But at this point in the proceedings I'm supposed to, erm, invite our friend Keith Allen on stage to perform World In Motion with us."
Keith Allen comes in riding on a horse, or rather, on two people stuffed into a horse costume.
BS: (giggling) "You didn't mention the horse."
KA: "Well, thank you very much."
(his mic wasn't working, so this was only caught by the ambient mics)
BS: "Thank you.
KA: "Ladies and gentlemen, New Order, coolest band in the world."
BS: "Well, we were the coolest band in the world till you did that."
KA: "Nah, shut up. The only band in the world that could get Ian Brown and Bobby Gillepsie in there." ['there' being the "horse"]
KA: (still having mic problems) One-two-three, one-two-three, one two."
BS: "Okay. Is there any football fans in the audience? No? Okay, this is World In Motion..." [song starts, obscuring the last part of Bernard's spoken intro]
Near the end, Hooky yells out, "All together now!"
KA: "Thank you."
BS: "Thank you, Keith."
They hug.
PH: "I don't whether our career's beginning or whether it's all over."
BS: "Thank you Bobby, Ian Brown [Phil kicks the "horse"]. And thank you, er, cuz that's it. That's all we've got time for. Cheers, thanks a lot, you've been a great audience."
A few tracks were broadcast on Belgian radio.
These include Crystal, Love Vigilantes, Krafty, Transmission, Love Will Tear Us Apart, and Blue Monday. All the good stuff said between tracks has been excised, of course.
There's also a shaky (but watchable) video of the last 37m of the gig, with audio recorded in mono, but pretty clear nonetheless.
The broadcast version is missing the first part of the song.
BS: "Woo! Thank you. Thanks a lot."
BS: "Woo! 'ank You."
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
PH: "This one's for you, boys."
BS: "This is Transmisison."
Only the last 2:30 appears on the video version. Due to traffic a lot of concert-goers arrived to this one late.
BS: "Thanks a lot. Thank you."
PH: "I can see you there. [cackles] It's you, yes!"
BS: "Let's hear it for the wrong Vikings in the front. All right lads. [in hoarse shouty voice] Manchester United...will never be divided." Don't know about you lot but I'm fucking knackered whenever I attend these festivals, this is about the bloody tenth one I've done and I tell you, I always give 100% of what I've got but that's not much."
BS: "This is Bizarre Love Triangle, it's about...a consensual relationship between Phil, Steve, and Hooky and it really freaked me out so I wrote a song about it. You got to admit, it's a pretty gruesome prospect, haven't you? That bloody beard, oh dear!"
The videotaper spends the first part of the song walking closer to the proceedings.
BS: "Merci Beaucoup. Bit hot up here."
I've been though so many festivals, I've run out of funny things to say, I've resorted to 'It's a bit hot up here'. Not exactly the [connection you want?] is it? You probably don't understand a word I'm saying, since I'm talking really fast, I'm talking in a really strong Mancunian accent. You can't understand...a fucking word I'm saying, can you? Is that yes? Oh dear, I apologize then, in advance."
BS: "All right, for the next song, I need a guitar please...Jason, Jason, Jason. [you can then see Jason rush out to hand it to him]. Okay, this is True Faith."
BS: "Thank you. And we got the end right as well, that's...that's very uncommon. They all got a bit of a youth conponent(?)"
BS: "Okay, you got to take this song very seriously, because this is a song by Joy Division. Of course, they were a very serious band, that group. Unlike(?) New Order."
Hooky points at someone in the audience, and proceeds to tear this person a new one.
PH: "I bet if got...If I got a [p...unintelligable], come and sit next to me, you cunt, because you're a fucking dickhead."
BS: "This is Love Will Tear Us Apart."
Hooky yells out something which I can't make out during the last part of the song. Guitar outro coda.
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, cheers."
BS: "Thanks for singing it out loud as well. We appreciate it as much as you appreciate it."
Hooky starts humming to fill in the silence.
BS: "This is Temptation."
Very good rendition.
BS: "Thank you very much. It's not even our best song, but it's a good one. It is our best song, actually. And that (some) may say that it's our most famous one, Damien."
We're going to play for you now our most famous song. Or as I just said, it's not our best song, it's our most famous song, but that's the way the world turns, innit. It's that the most popular songs aren't necessarily your best song. This is Blue Monday."
It has the high pitched keyboard effects pretty much throughout. Female announcer can be heard at about 5:45 on the broadcast version. Excellent Phil guitar in this, too.
For Blue Monday, instead of the screen, the videotaper films the stage, at least for a part of the song.
BS: "Thanks a lot, you've been a really great audience, and we've been a very great group. Cheers, thanks a lot Belgium, see you again in 20 years. Well, maybe not that long actually. Thank you, good night!"
Source are MP3's made available by NOOL, taken from an audience recording (in mono), as well as a DVB broadcast.
(not broadcast)
BS: "I don't need a transmitter because I'm half from the international language of love. And I speak the language of music, and music needs no translation, and this is Crystal."
Some distortion is evident on this track.
BS: "Yeah, thank you! Cheers, thanks a lot, Turin. Thanks for cheering, Turin. You know, there's a very famous person from Manchester who is called Alan Turing. I'm sure Tony knows all about that. Oh dear."
Fans shout out for stuff, the taper apparently drops what sounds like his change on the mic, while something like the drumbeat for 'In A Lonely Place' makes an appearance.
BS: "Has a good groove, don't it? I'd like to play that at my funeral, actually."
BS: "Okay, this is Regret."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, thank you."
(not broadcast)
BS: "Okay, right, well, the next song, next... [rest is muttered] ...Hooky... Okay, this is Love Vigilantes."
At the end comes one of the strangest Bernard pronouncements heard in quite a while.
BS: "Thank you, cheers."
PH: "What do you mean, cheers?"
BS: "You know, we took the ending of that song from an horrible Stevie Wonder song, which one was it, "I Just Called To Say I Love You". You check the ending of that song off, it's horrible. It's so horrible, we copied it. You don't know what I'm saying, do you, because you're Italian."
I daresay he's correct, only the Brits in the audience likely understand what he's rambling about.
BS: "Manchester United...will never be defeated."
That *does* get a reaction out of the crowd, not a pleasant one, of course.
BS: "Anyway, whereever we're from, we're all here to have a good time. It's a beautiful evening here in Turin. And we're gonna play a good-time song for you now, it's called Krafty, which was one of our singles."
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you!"
BS: "I've got to tune up for a minute, very professional these days. It's perfectly tuned, Dave, why, you don't even need to touch it.... When I said 'professional' I was referring to our road crew, not us, of course. We're still punks, aren't we? [cymbal crash] with a small P."
(only the first sentence in included in the broadcast)
BS: "This is a Joy Division song, it's called Transmission."
BS: "Thank you. Thank you very much."
Italian punter screams something in between these tracks.
BS: "Okay, that was a Joy Division song. We're gonna play another Joy Division song, and it's called Atmosphere."
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Nlw you have to bear with us, erm, with this next song, because I think we've not played it for erm, many, many years. We've not, I've not really got a fucking clue on how to play it really, played it once in the soundcheck today, so if it sounds shite, it's punk, right? This is Everything's Gone Green. It's got really miserable fucking lyrics."
BS: "Thank you!"
BS: "Okay, the next track we're going to play, is we're going to bring you up to date a little bit, is "Waiting For The Siren's Call".
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Jerry, can you turn my guitar down a little bit now please."
BS: "Okay, we've just got to change out the guitars, won't be a second. 330, Damien."
"Haus" Keyboard plonking.
BS: "Okay, erm...ooh, we're gonna play a dance tune now called True Faith. It's this red light Andy, I can see it, you know, I'm not daft."
Poor Andy.
Quite a bit of distortion on this track.
Cheers, thank you."
Edit at end suggests this was sourced from audio tape!
A/B split at this point. This misses out on some spacey keyboards and Bernard hocking up a lung that's present on the FM version.
BS: "I'm coughing better today, I'm coughing better today. Okay, this is _Bizarre___Love___Triangle_
Intro is truncated slightly.
BS: (sounding a bit out of breath) "Cheers, thanks a lot."
PH: "All right, Phil. You know that I can't see you over there, it's pretty dark."
BS: "Tell you what, I don't know how hot it is down there, but it's pretty hot up here, with those lights. Staying over here isn't very funny, I didn't say it in the first place....but you're not really charming, that's why. "
Bernard may have been responding to Hooky's jibe due to the lights being dimmed, not sure.
During the middle of this a female punter swears and calls for something in her native tongue.
BS: "Okay, we're gonna play another Joy Division tune, because it's 25 years since Ian Curtis died, our good old friend Ian. Having to play Love Will Tear Us Apart now. You started talking..."
Some muttering, and then the songs starts.
BS: "Thank you, cheers."
Ends in a bit of bass feedback."
(not broadcast)
BS: "There's still more, there's still more."
BS: "Guys, here's another one. Right, ok, now I can tell you off. This is Temptation."
BS: "Cheers, thanks a lot, you've been a great audience. It's been an honor playing Turin for you, got a lot in common with Manchester. Don't know what but fin... we have(?)..."
Encore break at this point.
(not broadcast)
Tape break at this point.
BS: "We never ever ever do encores, but tonight we'll make an exception."
Uh huh.
BS: "Is everyone having a good festvial? What you doing after the show, because we don't...we'd like for all of you to come back to our hotel and party with us. We're staying at Hotel Bastardos. Anyway, enough of my yacking, this is called Your Silent Face."
I guess there was no vacancies at the Hotel Tuat.
BS: "Thank you. I'm sorry about the chord at the end from our Phil Cunningham. [Phil plays something offkey] What chord was that, Phil, play it again..."
BS: "Thank you, thank you. And we dunno...we're gonna play She's Lost Control by Joy Division."
BS: "Cheers, thank you! Cheerful that one, innit?"
Rough edit between SLC and _Blue___Monday_. The broadcast has a male announcer talking...of course, over Bernard's pronouncement.
Phil throws in the keyboard line to Trans-Europe Express at the start.
Very much a "kitchen-sink" version. Bravo.
A couple minutes after the end with punters cheering for the group to come back on.
Incomplete broadcast from BBC3. Features brief interview with Hooky and Stephen, interesting bits being that Hooky cops to the '86 Playhouse gig as being crap, and that the bassist Interpol was stalking him, wanting to stroke his equipment, hopefully meaning his musical instrument!
BS: "We're gonna start with Regret."
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you. All, right I'm ready for bed now."
Viking soundtrack of "NUUUH ODDDAH", of course...
BS: "Okay, this is our recent #5 hit single. It's Krafty."
It appears that underneath his green blazer, Bernard is wearing the 2005 issue green Ceremony T-shirt! What bands wear their own shirts?
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Whoa, thank you, thanks very much. Just chill out a bit while we have a drink."
BS: "Right, this is Crystal, and we've got a very special guest, but wait and see. Okay, Rog."
After Dawn Zee's cauterwauling intro vocals...
BS: "Please welcome Brandon Flowers from the Killers."
As dire as you can imagine it, and I actually like the Killers.
'Need a little time to wake up' line sung by Brandon (appropriately) a few times here.
BS: "Thank you, a big hand to Brandon...and the Killers, we're big fans of theirs, thank you."
BS: "You start this one, Hooky."
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
Edited, so there's no stage comments beforehand.
Hooky calls out, "Ready, Steve!" before bridge.
Bernard chirps out "C'mon!" and "hey, hey, hey". to get the audience more into it. Hooky cries out, "Here we go!"
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
Announcer: "The Monday morning, the last two of [?] six, in other words, twelve 'till two o'clock. And it's not very often you get to see a band who really did do something original, did launch new music rather than acres of hype, who always did their own thing and let others follow, well one of those bands is New Order, and they're headlining [?] on the ticket stage axiom[?] set the level for all the young pretenders to, [Bernard at this point says, "Okay"], well, pretend they can reach I suppose."
(the following from Bernard doesn't appear on the FM version, you have to go to ATR's recording to hear it, as the FM doesn't have Regret, Krafty, or Love Vigilantes)
BS: "Hi, everyone. You know...[what up]"
BS: "Okay, the size of the audience...I guess the Foo Fighters... they don't even know who we are [fans boo]...but you know what? They sound like the fucking Fall! [fans cheer]."
PH: "80,000 people can't be wrong, can they?" (a reference to the Fall's greatest hits album)
BS: "This is a tune to our songs they can whistle along to, especially this one, it's called Regret."
BS: "Thank you, and cheers. Hey, [name, sounds like Mourie], my voice is a little bit distorted. Hooky's a little bit loud, and Phil's a little bit loud. Cheers, thank you, have you had a good festival?" [cheers] For once, the sun's been shining down on you...on this wonderful country you have is yours. [anyway] I'll be careful what I say, Andy. It's sunny, anyway, sunny....Which takes us nicely into a nice sunny song that we...off our last album called Krafty."
At some points members in the crowd are much louder in the mix than Bernard is...could be they were having mic issues.
BS: "Thank you, cheers. Thank you."
Keyboard twinkle.
Announcer: "Now if you hear someone shout, "Boogie on, Bernie", at the front of the stage, that was probably me. New Order, live from 2FM, at Oxegen."
A spirited performance.
BS: "Okay, yo one two one two."
BS: "Okay, uh...this is Crystal. Okay I was going to tell you what this song was about but I haven't f...got a bleeding clue what it's about. It's about breaking glass. Okay, this is Crystal."
(near end of song)
PH: "Ready? You ready baldie? You ready? You ready?"
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Whoa, whoa one two, one two."
BS: "Jerry, can you take a little bit of bottom off of me voice, and put a bit of top on, it's quite boomy up here."
Punters (Vikings really) chant "New Order".
PH: "You're gonna get a fuckin' heart attack, you." (probably referring to Gary, the 'baldie' bits as well)
BS: "Just give us a second while we tune."
PH: "Shall we play, you ready? Ah, this is for everybody who loves music."
At 3:16, Hooky cries out "All together, Alex!"
BS: "Cheers, thank you very much."
(following dialogue and song is not on the FM version)
He coughs.
BS: "Thank you very much, a little bit out of breath after that one. Normally, at this stage of our set, we play a slow song. But, we're not going to tonight. All right, you don't like the slow songs? All right, you should be watching the fucking Foo Fighters, shouldn't you? [cymbal crash from Steve] We like to think there's a little bit of subtlety in our ...[audience these days] but obviously not!
More chants of the group's name.
BS: "So I'm gonna don my, gonna don my redneck heart, because we're gonna play a redneck song now."
Bernard plays his melodica softly a bit.
BS: "It's called Love Vigilantes, that's what [Kinks-like?]"
A "1-2-3-4" gets thrown in between verses.
BS: "Thank you. That song was about my experiences in Vietnam. Which amount to nothing. Which means that song's about nothing. I'll leave you thinking about that one."
BS: "So is everybody camping here tonight, you all in tents? Does it get a bit hot like at eight o'clock in the morning, when you're all hung over? But you still want to shag your girlfriend, don't you. Nothing will put you off. Even the flies." [he grunts and says something in a quiet voice]
BS: "Right, we're not playing a slow one, but I'm going to talk a load of shit for a bit just so we can get our breath back because Hooky's getting on a bit now....and I'm still [foofs] in sweating all of this energy...and Phil's got a sweaty ass...Steve on the drums has definitely got a sweaty ass and [drum roll] he gets off on it."
BS: "All right, all right, all right. Erm, this is off our latest album, Waiting For The Sirens' Call, and the track is called Waiting For The Sirens' Call".
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
Announcer: "You're listening to New Order, live at Oxegen on 2FM live."
(the broadcast cuts out Bernard's comments between songs)
BS: "Jerry, seems I've got my pack on full, can you send me more gain, my pack's on full and it sounds distorted."
BS: "Okay...okay, we're gonna play a dancey tune now, because we know everyone likes dancing. This is True Faith. One two one two. A bit brighter, please, a bit brighter."
BS: (at about 1:00 in) "More bass sequencer!"
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
BS: "Have we got a...[rest unintelligible]"
Punters shout out for Everything's Gone Green and Slow Jam.
PH: "Yes? [while Bernard talks] Aww, can't hear you...wish I could hear you."
BS: [interrupting] "Jerry, take a bit of the bottom of the...take a bit of the bottom off of Phil's keyboards as well, there's a right boom on the stange from all of the...low bottom."
PH: "God, you're fucking louder than the PA, you." [laughs]
BS: "Okay, now we've hit on a bit of a dance tip. We could carry on, or we can go on a Foo Fighters sort of stylee. [crowd groans] All right, I'm getting the message that you're speaking to me...we're going to play Bizarre Love Triangle next."
During the middle of BLT, Alex yells out, "Stop touching my microphone, dickhead!"
BS: "Cheers, thanks. Muchas gracias. Whoo!"
BS: "This is Damien, my guitar roadie. If there's any young ladies in the audience that fancy him, he's free, you know. He's more of a worm than a snake in the trouser department, but he's a good lookin' guy."
You can clearly hear audience members say various and sundry into the ambient mics.
At 3:26 Bernard cries, "We need your help!"
Near the end, the mic lead to Alex's rig gets pulled out a bit, as the sound shifts to mono. It stays that way until partway through SLC.
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
BS: "[Mutters something that ends in] shirt, have you, Steve?"
BS: "Okay...believe it or not, we still got some more good songs left. Eh, the front of you are going "Oooooohhhhhaa Oooooohhhhhaa". That's what we're gonna play that one, "Oooooohhhhhaa"."
PH: "He's a charmer, innie?..."
One of Bernard's more interesting vocal efforts.
BS: "Cheers, thank you. You've been a fantastic audience. I know cuz it says on the autocue here. Thank you very much!"
Announcer: "This is 2FM live, and New Order live, at Oxegen 05, recorded by 2FM." (cuts off Barney, making it difficult to make out the start of what he says next, which even on the audience recording is hard to decipher.
(the rest isn't on the FM recording, but is captured in ATR's recording)
BS: "Thank you, you lot have been fucking great, hope you have a great festival, because we've really enjoyed playing to you...from all our heart, cheers, thank you."
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Nice again, in the floor. He's a bit desperate, he's not had a shag since 1964. Right, all right, I've just been told...we wanted to play three songs in our encore, the powers that be will let us only do two [boos]
(this is on the FM)
BS: "So, if you have...we could play the third one in all the time I'm wasting in talking. So you got a choice, we could play a Joy Division song. You've got a choice, and we want you to cheer for which one you want, the first one is Atmosphere [moderate cheering] and the second one is She's Lost Control [louder cheering]. I think She's Lost Control wins."
BS: "Cheers, thank you! Oh, oh, what's that? Three songs? Three? There he is, Mr. Spoilsport!" [fans boo]
(following was left off the FM broadcast)
BS: "All right, we can't say no to your dad, can you? How dare you come onstage with a shirt like that, you know you're not fucking in line mate, you're in Ireland. No one tells me what to do. No one! Kiss my ass. We'll just play the two though."
BS: "This is Blue Monday."
At this point, Alex's DAT starts cutting out during the intro portion.
Another interesting filter effect. In general, New Order have much improved the sound of their albatross.
Announcer: "And there you go, that's New Order, live, mixed by Mark McVeigh(?), produced by Paul McLean(?) for 2FM live at the Ticket Stage, Oxegen, [something] '05 New Order.... [upcoming accouncement of Kaiser Chiefs set, talking over Hooky's signoff, I believe only the second sentence makes it to the FM braodcast]
PH: "Thanks everyone, it was really nice to be back. Thank you so much. Good night, God bless. Take care."
BS: "Cheers, thank you very much. We've enjoyed playing to you, and we hope it's not so long before we come back to Ireland again, you've been a great audience, good night!" [sadly, this was the last time NO would play Ireland]
And one more shot off the bow.
BS: "Cheers, you can all get pissed now, because that's what we're gonna do."
The beginning of the end?
Johnny Giles reported that Hooky played a snatch of DNE in between KW1 and Sirens.
Full audience tape made available by Species. Heavy bass on this one.
Starts with a bit of Ennio Morricone as the pre-gig backign tape.
BS: "Hello. I don't know where we are in Sweden, but it's very nice. That was witty, wasn't it? [repeating to himself] I don't know where we are in Sweden, but it's very nice. Mancunian humor, we're funny people, we say(?). Okay, we'd like to, erm, dedicate this whole set to Ian Curtis, whose birthday, whose birthday occurs at 12:00 tonight. Get more gain on this backch... Jerry, put more gain from you."
BS: "Right, okay, this is Crystal."
BS: "Yeah, one one one one one."
The fans start doing the cooing backing vocals bit.
BS: "Yeahhh! Thank you."
BS: "Okay, is this the first night of your festival in Sweden, whereever you are? Hope you're having a really good one. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but it always rains at all the best festivals."
BS: "You know what I don't like about festivals, I don't like the smell of fookin' burgers. [drum crash] Especially when you've got a massive chunk of... I don't know if you've got chunky beans in Sweden, do you? It's a good thing."
BS: "This is Regret."
BS: "Thank you, thank you. The smell of burgers is overpowering..."
_Love___Vigilantes_ follows.
BS: "Thank you. Cheers, thanks a lot."
Phil tinkles the ivories.
BS: "Some water. Sarge, you got some fizzy water, please?"
BS: "Okay, are you enjoying yourselves so far? [can't make out next phrase amid cheering and clapping]. I'm just going to have a drink of water. And then we're going to launch into _Krafty_."
BS: "Cheers, thank you, thank you very much. It's a good one, that one. ...to shit.
PH: "If someone had told me 28 years ago that we'd still be playing(?), I'd've laughed my bollocks off."
BS: "This is Transmission."
BS: "Cheers, thank you. That was of course, Transmission by Joy Division, who are us minus one member."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you very much, cheers, thank you."
PH: "Ahh, one two three four."
BS: "Okay, we're gonna do something whic we've never done before, which is to play slow songs in succession, one after another song. That was a Joy Division song, and this is a New Order song, it's called Your Silent Face."
BS: "Thank you."
BS: "Okay, thanks for being a really great audience. Are you enjoying it so far because we're really enjoying playing to you. What a creep! I've been known in certain cases in my life to be a creep, but this time I need it. This is a track off our new album, and it's called Waiting For The Sirens Call."
BS: "Synths up, Jerry."
At 1:45, Bernard yells out "Hold that chorus[?]".
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Especially, for the little kid who's on his dad's shoulders over there. He's really getting into it. If you all know what you need to do, just look at that little kid over there who's...who's cool...he's small(?) then, but he's cool. This is True Faith.
BS: "Cheers, thank you. Wooh! Thank you very much, this is David, my guitar roadie. He's desperate to meet a few nice young ladies. He hasn't got a girlfriend at the moment, he's free."
BS: "This is Bizarre Love Triangle. It's about a homosexual relationship between Peter, our bass player, Steve, and our ... guitarist, Phil."
BS: "Thank you, cheers."
A bit of guitar tuning.
BS: "Phil's come up, this is Hooky's roadie, he's a bit desperate as well. That's the first time I've seen him come up on the stage, actually, because David got mentioned. This is Love Will Tear Us Apart!"
A few "C'mon's" by Barney, and Hooky calls out "Ready, Steve?" at the bridge.
BS: "Thank you, cheers, woo! It's a good song, innit? It's not shite, let's put it that way."
BS: "Okay, this is our...this is the last song we're gonna do. I'd like to dedicate it to the little kid on his dad's shoulder over there, it's so cool, the little kid with mommy on his dad's shoulder. It's what we called a chaf in Manchester. Erm, this is for Sweden as well, my favorite country. It actually is true, for one I am not bullshitting, it's true. I'd like to live here, if only I got a free house here. This is Temptation."
BS: "Cheers, thank you very much. It's been an honor to play in your country. Such lovely people, it's fantastic to play here. Thank you for having us. Good night!"
The group come back on for the encore.
BS: "Cheers, thank you, cheers."
Somebody near taper says something (in Swedish)
BS: "Erm, what we'll do now is gonna play a song that we've not played much live, but we're gonna play it here in uh, Sweden. We've not played it for 25 years since Ian died but we're gonna try and play it tonight. We've not rehearsed it, so just bear with us. Er, see the QG Hooky, Phil, it's in the QG. Steve, the beat is like this [makes beatbox sounds!]. It's called She's Lost Control...(mumble)...It's called She's Lost Control, it's a Joy Division song. [intro starts] That's it."
Pure bullshit, of course.
And then he starts to sing Anita Ward's "Ring My Bell" along to the drumbeat! Bloody brilliant.
BS: "3...4...fucking... That was a moment lost forever, that."
PH: "I got it, I got it, I really enjoyed it. Ring my fucking bell anytime, Bernard."
BS: "One-two". And then Hooky starts in with the bass riff.
After the chorus, Bernard says something to Hooky...
BS: "'k you. Thank you! Not bad. That's the first time we've played it in 25 years. Steve fucked up a bit, Phil fucked up a bit, Hooky fucked up a bit, but I was all right. It's always the case...sorry... sure if you've have...got any of our bootlegs, you know that's the [here Hooky starts to twack his bass loudly to shut up Barney] story every time."
BS: "Okay, we're...we're...we're gonna play a song [to close]?...it's quite long this song, it's a good gap-filler. It's quite long. It's called Blue Monday."
At about 5:45, a very familiar keyboard riff, that of The Perfect Kiss, can be heard.
[as reported by Johnny Giles]
Apparently, Phil and Hooky rocked out so much that Bernard felt he had to come back on stage to apologize for his bandmates' excessive activity. Hooky looked very unhappy with Bernard's comment and continuted to play.
BS: "Thank you very much. I've sorry about the over...little bit of overindulgency on that...thank you very much, it's been great playing Sweden again, we love your country and we love your...well, we love you. Cheers, thank you."
Then Bernard went back on the mic to explain that Phil and Hooky were warming up for their next gig where they'd be playing with Deep Purple. This caused Hooky to pick up his bass over his head and throw it in the pit.
BS: "Let me explain, at the next festival we're doing, we're playing with Deep Purple, so we're just practicing tonight. Thank you, good night."
A bit more chatter before the tape ends.
Video Broadcast includes Crystal/Krafty/Regret/Transmission. The rest of the tracks were broadcast on FM.
Phil appears to wear a shirt that says "NICKED".
Steve has on his space invader shirt.
Bernard has a green pullover.
BS: "...What we do..." (Announcer blurts something here)
(at end)
BS: "Woo, thank you! Thank you!"
BS: "Just give us a second and we'll tune up please, That's pretty out there, Damien, I need to change it. Jerry can you give me a bit less keyboards, please, a little bit of top on my voice a little bit of reverb over my voice. Yeah, is everyone having a good festival? I shall bloody well hope so."
[Morris hits his syndrums]
BS: "Okay, this is nice out, we've played about fourteen festival this year, but this is especially a nice atmosphere, this one here in France tonight. No, I mean it, I mean it. It's a good atmosphere. But we're not going to play Atmosphere."
BS: "Okay, this is Regret."
The attractive female presenter stands behind the barricade and points toward the band.
(at end)
BS: "Merci Beaucoup."
Some strummed guitar chords.
BS: "Thank you very much. Whoo! Okay, we're gonna play, erm, Krafty next."
They play Krafty.
BS: "Cheers, thank you!"
PH: "Ready, Phil!"
BS: "Thank you very much. This is Transmission."
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
BS: "Whooh, I'm out of breath now."
BS: "It's nice to play a slow one now, especially for our...our drummer, Steve, our drummer. I think he finds that one a little bit of a challenge...."
The announcers talk though a bit of the intro. A cut as sources change between TV broadcast and FM simulcast.
BS: "Thanks for letting us do a slow one. Jerry, this mic's a little bit distorted, I don't know if it's the mic or what... again. It's good to do a slow one, but now that we're all breaking a sweat, it's good to play some, eh...faster ones, in a minute. This is Waiting For The Sirens' Call, of the album by the same name."
(during intro)
BS: "Synths up.
BS: "Thank you. It's great to play in France, and we hope to come back and play a major tour someday. Just chatting a little bit while my guitar gets tuned up. This is True Faith, Jerry I'm a little bit distorted, so turn the gain down a bit, and I'll ta... a bit here."
BS: "Feel free to dance."
Funky guitar intro, very nice.
PH: "Cu..... here we gooooooooo...."
After bridge...
BS: "...two, three, four!"
BS: "Thank you, cheers!"
Hooky vamps a bit at the end.
PH: "Thought that was Deep Purple, liked it."
BS: "Cheers, thank you.
BS: "Thank you very much. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm afraid it's started raining, if you haven't noticed."
Bernard does a couple of "C'mon's", as he typically does here.
BS: "Whooo! That's for Ian Curtis, a real friend. It's for everybody else in France, cuz, erm, when we first started as Joy Division, France embraced us very much and we never forgot it, thank you."
French translation here.
BS: "I'd like to dedicate this next song, for, er, all the people who are victims of terrorism and all the people in London who have died recently, who've suffered, erm, at the hands of bad people. Also, anyone's who suffered from loss. We're living in a pretty tough world at the moment, and we're like to hope the music helps out a little bit and puts us in touch with ourselves. This is Temptation, it's off of...se...girls(?)"
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you very much, you've been a great audience. It's been an honor to play in your country, thank you. That's it, folks!"
More from the French announcer.
Encore tracks.
BS: "We never know we're gonna do encores. This year we're... (the announcers talk over the intro, argh!) This is She's Lost Control."
BS: "Merci Beaucoup. Thank you very much."
French announcer talks at this point.
BS: "Woo, cheers, thank you for being a great audience. We've got a group of fans over here from England They're called the Vikings. I don't know why because they're from England, not Denmark. They should be called the Hooligans. And, erm, they've requested that we play an old New Order song called Everything's Gone Green. We've not rehearsed it so if it sounds shite let us know and we'll stop."
A more solid version than Torino's.
BS: "Thank you."
PH: "Didn't go too badly that, did it?"
BS: "Sometimes, I get the impression in New Order it's a competition to see who can finish last. We're getting closer and closer to Deep Purple, it's very relevant that we play with Deep Purple tonight, because every day in every way we become purpler and purpler, especially certain pats of our anatomy. Cheers, anyway, and we're gonna play one more song tonight. As the Japanese say, it's called "Brue Monday".
Hooky cries out during the bridge, "Monday, let see the punters, man. Let's see the punters!"
At the 5:30 point:
PH: "Andy, let's have the lights on, man! Yeah, that's better. Fookin' hell, put 50p in the meter, Andy, fuck me."
(at end)
PH: "Looks nice there Andy, looks really nice. [laughs] See you in thirty years!"
Cool filter sweep effects.
BS: "And thank you very much, I'm sorry about the, erm, aural masturbation at the end. But we've got all somthing there for us. Au revoir monsieur, au revoir madame, je ne paid(?) New Order."
And, you guessed it, the announcers talk at the end.
Video (billed as a pt.1) only featuers Crystal, Krafty (partly sung in Japanese) and Love Will Tear Us Apart.
New Order performed on the Green Stage.
BS: "Thank you, cheers, thank you!"
BS: "More bass sequencer, Jerry. Ready? Here we go."
As noted above, Bernard sings the first and last verses in Japanese.
BS: "Thank you!"
Bernard does his usual "C'mon" exhortations.
BS: "Cheers, thank you."
Three tracks (Transmission/Atmosphere/Warsaw) were aired on Radio 1. The others were filmed by at least two different audience members.
Feargal Sharkey introduces the group.
BS: "Cheers, thank you. And thank you Feargal for such a wonderful introduction. But really, tonight's not about us, it's about John, so eveything we do is memory of him."
BS: "Now we'll calm you all, but now paradoxically..." [he stumbles saying this way, which is why this was likely cut from the BBC broadcast]
BS: "We're gonna play a Joy Division set for you tonight, and we're gonna start with Transmission."
(at end)
BS: "Cheers, thank you!"
BS: "Whoo. Of cource, we're playing this concert tonight because John Peel was the first person to ever play Joy Division nationwide live on air in the UK. And we feel that we owe him a debt for doing that because if it was wasn't for John we would have gone fucking nowhere.
Drums start up...
BS: "This is She's Lost Control."
PH: "A little bit more guitar please, Jerry. A bit more of Bernard's guitar please."
BS: "Thank you, cheers. There are a few technical problems up here..."
I presume at this point somebody yelled out for LWTUA.
PH: "C'mon lads, now. That's one you know we're doing."
BS: "Okay, thank you very much, this is Shadowplay."
Looks like the guitar sound was still acting up.
Definitely a surprise to see that this had been dug out and redusted.
PH: "I want to dedicate this one to my daughter, Jessica, she's seven today."
Folks shout, "New Order, New Order!"
Bernard hears this and makes the following quip.
BS: "Well, we're not going to play any New Order songs for you tonight because John, I don't think John did any Hooky, did John play any New Order songs, not a one."
Midway, Bernard gives up on the guitar and pics up the mic off its stand, and even dances a bit like he's peforming BLT.
BS: "All right, calm down a bit, calm down a bit! Fookin' hell, you would think it was Madonna up here tonight. It's not Madonna, it's prima donna. I'm not in front [whining to?] you, but could I have a guitar that works, please?"
Sarge exorts the crowd to move back.
BS: "Okay, so we're approaching the end of our set now, and my guitar's finally working now."
The BBC broadcast resumes at this point.
BS: "Okay, this is one of John's...most...I think it was his most forward track that people liked, it's a Joy Division song of course called Atmosphere."
After the first verse he says, "Move back a bit, move back a bit!"
BS: "Thank you very much, but listen, chill out, chill out. We don't want anyone to get hurt in front of here, especially me. C'mon, we don't want another Altamont, we don't want another Altamont."
PH: "Let's do this one for Ian, lads."
Storming rendition of this tune, not heard from the lads in 25 years.
Sarge has to do more work keeping the hordes at bay.
BS: "Wooo! Thank you very much for supporting us all these years. Thanks for Jonathan for including us, of course. Cheers, thank you!"
PH: "Good night, everybody!"
There's a webcast of this performance, as well as at least a couple different audience tapes, all of which was used for the purposes of this writeup. Intrestingly enough, the webcast seems to have been in mono.
The song on the PA right before Alan Wise takes the stage was Afrika Bambataa's "Planet Rock"...
The chanting begins.
AW: "Shut up that horrible music. All right, you'll just have to wait two minutes, cuz the band are on the toilet. But I want to dedicate a little something to the person that's largely forgotten about, the man whose working behind the scenes to entertain you, I want to give a big cheer for Mr. Simon Mirande. He's normally not here at the gig, but he's the man making all this possible for you. So think of Simon in your prayers tonight, as I will. And now I want to introduce four crazy lads, [at this point somebody throws an object at Alan, which connects] fookin' hell that's the cam, that's the fine, around five thousand pounds, that's just cost Simon five thousand pound, folks. I want to introduce five crazy lads who in their own way with their mop hair want to change the world with their own crazy views, from Unsworth, the fabulous Beezles..."
BS: "Hello. I didn't realize Alan used the same microphone as me 'till just now. We were...[few words unintelligible] those horrible coats he always wears. Right...we're going to start these proceedings tonight with a Ceremony."
PH: "We dedicate this to Phil Grubb, and tell his brother Darren we're thinking about you, man."
The monitor speakers on the backline had his name scrawled on him, though amusingly enough, they had "Chubb" written on until somebody corrected it just before the group went on.
Hooky is very promiment on backing vocals. Excellent version of this time-honored classic.
BS: "Yeah! I like the pulse ending there Steve, very good that... a very nice improvisation from Steve there, thank you."
Lots of chants for "New Order" here.
BS: "Okay, hopufully we're going to have a really good night together here, we played Brixton Academy on Thursday, and, as an audience we got to beat that, cuz this is Manchester, innit."
BS: "Okay, this is Love Vigilantes."
The whole audience sounds like they're singing along.
BS: "Yeah! Cheers, thank you."
Chanting gets really loud here.
BS: "Okay, the next song we going to play features guest vocalist Dawn Zee. Please give her a big hand. From Manchester, from er, Moss Side. She's a lovely girl but a bit of a trouble-causer. She nearly got me arrested last week!"
Hrm, don't know if he's joshing or if something DID happen.
BS: "Anyway, this is Crystal."
BS: "Thank you! Cheers, thank you."
PH: "All right, G. We need the oxygen pumps working. Good."
Muttering close to the taper as well as the classic "Manchester, la la la."
BS: "All right, is everyone having a good time? Right...we're not sure you like that. This is Regret."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you very much, cheers. Whoo!"
More chants of...you know what...
Phil tinkles the keys here a bit.
BS: "Okay, er, we're gonna bring things a decade or so up to date... and this is Krafty."
Somewhat tepid response.
BS: "C'mon, sound a bit more enthusiastic, yeah!" Bernard than slurs something mocking the crowd: "It might work..."
BS: "Woo, thank you very much. As we're professional now, give me a minute while we tune up. I bet fucking Jennifer Lopez doesn't do this... but she wouldn't, would she, she doesn't play guitar. [still tuning] I'll try to think of something else, fast."
BS: "Okay, this is a song we're only played once before, so if we cock it up, bear with us. It's a song off our last album, and it's called Turn."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you."
Bernard then mutters something about his microphone, I think. More chanting.
BS: "Is that it? Can we go home now? See that pale water...used to be wine, and before than it was Pernod, before that it was Asta Spumante, and before that it was brown ale, before that it was mild, before that it was Coca-Cola, before that it was mother's milk. And now it's Perrier water."
PH: (to end Bernard's spiel) "Hit it, Phil."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you."
BS: "Whoo! So you're still having a good time? Well, thank you very much, that was the plan. Now for your sake, not for our sake, we're gonna slow things down a little bit now [some folks boo]. I know it's a little bit of a cliche there, I heard a few people boo there, obviously we'll speed things up a little bit at the end. This is Your Silent Face."
BS: "He's very good, isn't he, he's very good. (directed at Hooky, strangely enough). Well that was supposed to be a breather, but it wasn't much of a breather. Okay, we're gonna go to, eh, our last album, whatever the fucking hell...it was called Waiting For the Sirens' Call, wasn't it, yeah. We're gonna play Waiting For The Sirens' Call, which we've never played in Manchester before. So we're gonna premiere it for you. Here we go."
BS: "Thank you, cheers! Thank you. I had a dream this morning, right, that I threw one of my guitar picks out, and it hit one of the audience in the eye, and he sued me. So, if anyone tries to do it, I've already beaten you to the post."
PH: (at 1:16 in) "Yeah! It's like 1988 all over again!"
BS: "Thank you, thank you very much."
PH: "All right Stefan, where are you? There are, fuck me, a million people called Stefan. Hehehehehe."
BS: "Great, we've got a nice relaxing one next."
BS: "Thank you. You can see from our screens here, that we've got a slow, relaxing one next. Actually, it's Love Will Tear Us Apart."
BS: "Where can it possibly go from there? Anyone that good would be walking off stage now and not do the encore. But we like to think we're a cut above the rest. This is Temptation."
(at end)
BS: "Thank you, cheers!"
BS: "Now where can it possibly go from that one? Here's where. This is for the Manchester Evening News."
Like the most recent performances, this has a synth line not far removed from The Perfect Kiss, very nice touch.
BS: "Cheers, thanks a lot, you've been a great audience! It's great to play Manchester again, thank you!"
About a couple of minutes of break between main set and encore. After about 50 seconds folks start clapping and chanting for the Order.
BS: "Do you realize how knackered we are? Okay, we're gonna play another... Joy Division medley for you now. If you can see the neck of my guitar, Andy, please...this is Shadowplay."
BS: "Thank you!"
BS: "We're gonna play our one and only pogo one(?) for you tonight...I think it was...was it called Warsaw? Never played it in Manchester I don't think. I could be wrong. Let's...[can't make out rest here]".
BS: "Whoo. Right. At this point we let you decide what we're gonna play next. So long last, it's one of these two songs...Atmosphere [cheers] or She's Lost Control [slightly more cheering]
BS: (not able to discern a clear winner) "Oh, c'mon make your mind up, what it's gonna be? I can't understand you if you're mumbling, you know? Atmosphere? [more cheers] She's Lost Control? [decidedly louder cheers]
BS: "I guess we'll have to play both, won't we? I guess we'll play She's Lost Control first." Which they do.
(at end)
BS: "Merci Beaucoup. Thank you. We can't go now Hooky, no, we can't go home just yet, there's one more to play. It's a very beautiful song, I think it's the most beautiful song most certainly Joy Division's ever wrote, it's called Atmosphere."
PH: "I'd like to dedicate this to your wife Bernard, cuz she's been bopping up bollocks up there. C'mon, Sarah, this one's for you, darling."
BS: "Thanks a lot, it's been great playing in Manchester. You've been ace, and we've...I think we've been pretty good as well. It's always nice to play your hometown. Good night everyone! Have a safe journey home."
PH: "Good night and God bless!"
From worldinmotion.net:
New Order go back to school
Secret gig in a primary school for Hooky and the boys
New Order finished their recebt mini-tour with a
special performance at Oakwood High School in Eccles,
Salford (November 18).
Playing in front of 200 children who weren't even born when the band began, the gig came about after an associate of the group mistakenly rang up the school and got talking to the Deputy Head.
Frontman Bernard Sumner then visited the school, which specialises in art and technology for children with complex learning difficulties, and promptly promised to play a gig in the assembly hall for a special art class.
"I had a bad experience at school," Sumner told NME.COM, "and it's nice to see that the education authorities have changed their attitude towards creativity. We don't make things in Manchester anymore since the big industries closed down, but it's a very creative place. Just look at the bands. It's just really nice to see the education authorities, after what I was told, investing in creativity instead of putting it on the back burner."
Playing for little under an hour before the 3 o'clock bell, the band tore through hits old and new, with Sumner quipping; "I'd heard our audiences were getting younger! Where's the music teacher? We can't read music you know, it's all up here."
But the show was not without its share of rock'n'roll behaviour. Before dedicating 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' to head teacher Janis Triska, bassist Peter Hook said: "I promised I wouldn't swear... but FUCK OFF!" and promptly brought the pre-pubescent house down.
New Order played:
'Your Silent Face'
'Waiting For The Sirens' Call'
'True Faith'
'Bizarre Love Triangle'
'Love Will Tear Up Apart'
'Blue Monday'